this week, contact, in-person signings.
autograph books
actors, actress, authors, antique show.
shows start: a
shows start: b
shows start: b & c
coronation street
children shows
chefs, designers, gardens & dancers, models, singers.
dr who
shows start: d & e.
shows start: f
game shows
shows start: g & h.
harry potter, home & away.
hospital shows
shows start: i & j & k & l.
memorabilia 1
memorabilia 2
shows start: m
money shows
shows start: n & o.
police shows
shows start: p & r.
radio shows
cricket, football, rugby & other sport.
shows start: s & t.
shows start: t
shows start: t
talk shows
shows start: u ,v, w & y.
australia, canada, dutch, french, germany, italy, spain, scotish, welsh.
u.s.a actor & actress, models.
u.s.a authors, comedians, children tv, chefs, poker, radio.
usa: judges, newsreaders, presenters show.
u.s.a basball & baskett ball & footballers & ice hockey.
u.s.a realists
u.s.a films & shows.
u.s.a sport
worldwide musicans
worldwide presidents
EASTENDERS: (folder: no:5)
dobson - group print cast 8x6 pic 19?? (black background, b&w group 8x6 pic & print autos on back, signed on front
by anita dobsin in black felt, 13-06-08/09-07-08)
taylofroth & pam st clement - group print cast 8x6 pic 199_ pic (in the road, b&w group 8x6 pic &
print autos on back, signed on front by gillian, black pen & pam, gold pen, bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05)(gillian also
in footballers wives)
kelly - group cast print 8x6 pic 199_ pic (in-front of the vic, natalie cassidy is small girl in pic" group
8x6 pic & print autos on back, bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05)
cast 8x6 pre-printed autographs 199_ pic (in-front of vic, "james alexndrou is very young"group 8x6 pic &
print autos on back, bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05)
westbrook - group cast print 8x6 1994 pic (out on the side of "green" vic, group 8x6 pic & print autos
on back, bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05, hand signed by danniella westbrook, black pen, in-person on 31-03-06)
cast 8x6 pre-printed autographs1994 pic (on the side of vic, group 8x6 pic & print autos on back, bought
for £2.50 on 20-05-04)(bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05)
roberta taylor - group cast print 8x5
pic 2001 pic (middle of square, group 8x6 cast pic & print autos on back, 24-12-03/16-01-04, hand signed by roberta taylor, black felt, in-person on 03-12-05)(also in the bill)
westbrook - 2001 group cast print 8x6 pic (middle of square, group 8x6 pic & print autos on back,18-05-04/20-05-04, hand signed by danniella westbrook, black pen, in-person on 31-03-06)
fairbrass - group cast 8x6 pre-printed autographs 2001 pic (midddle of square, group 8x6 cast 8x6 pic &
print autos on back, 2002 & craig fairbrass, black felt, in-person on 31-05-09)
fairbrass - group cast 8x6 pre-printed autographs 2001 pic (midddle of square, group 8x6 cast 8x6 pic &
print autos on back, bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05 & craig fairbrass, black felt, in-person on 31-05-09)
jameson - 2001 group cast print 8x6 pic (2001 group 8x6 pic & print autos on back, hand signed
on front by louise, personalized to april, silver felt, in-person on 08-05-04)(louise jameson also in dr who)
outhwaite - 2001 group print cast 8x6 pic (2001 group cast 8x6 middle of square pic & print autos on
back & hand signed on front, black felt by tamzin, 06-11-04/22-12-04)(tamzin
also in red cap)
group cast print 8x6 pic (out side vic, group 8x6 pic & print autos on back, 08-09-03/08-10-03)(24-12-03/16-01-04)(2003)(bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05)
outhwaite - 2002 group cast print 8x6 pic (group cast 8x6 2002 out side of vic & print autos on back & hand signed by tamzin on front, black felt, 06-11-04/22-12-04)(tamzin outhwaite also in red cap)
group cast print 8x6 pic (close out side vic, group 8x6 pic & print autos on back, 2003/24-02-04)(08-09-03/08-10-03)(24-12-03/16-01-04)(2003)(2004)(2004)(18-05-04/20-05-04)(2004)(24-02-05/26-02-05)(28-02-05/11-03-05)(22-03-05/02-04-05)(bought for £1.25 on 01-07-05)
group cast print 8x6 pic (close out side vic, group 8x6 cast pic & print autos on back, + typed a4
letter from pa, personalized to chris, 17-06-05/05-07-05)
angela wynter - yolande duke x (flower jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 13-11-03/30-12-03)(13-05-06/27-07-06)
angela wynter - yolande
duke x (flower jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written
evolp to linda, 25-10-03/23-12-03)(+ written evolp to jo,
angela wynter - yolande trueman x (flower jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(15-05-07/19-05-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(23-06-07/28-06-07)
angela wynter - yolande trueman x (flower jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-09-05/27-07-06)(23-11-05/26-08-06)(2006/07-12-06)(23-06-07/18-07-07)
angela wynter - yolande trueman x (flower jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp to chris,
28-02-05/01-10-05)(+ writen evolp to chris, 28-03-06/23-12-06)(+ written evolp, 2006/08-12-06)
angela wynter - yolande trueman x (flower jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-11-05/01-08-06 & kept
angela wynter - yolande trueman x (flower jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-07-07/18-07-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(28-03-08/01-04-08)
angela wynter - yolande trueman x (flower jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 26-09-07/16-11-07)(14-06-07/04-03-08)(24-06-08/27-08-08)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (black hat, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
walker - patrick trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to deas april, black felt, 2003)
walker - patrick trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, "be happy", 06-10-03/09-10-03)
walker - patrick trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep smiling", personalized to deas april, black felt,
walker - patrick trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep smiling", personalized to deas april, black felt,
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "be happy",
black pen, 28-02-05/11-03-05)
walker - patrick trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized deas linda, black pen, 25-10-03/06-11-03)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized deas linda, black pen, 25-10-03/06-11-06)
walker - patrick trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep smiling", personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/23-04-05)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (black hat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep smiling", personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
walker - patrick trueman (brown suit, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(15-05-07/19-05-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(24-05-07/03-11-07)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep smiling", black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 28-09-05/19-10-05)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/31-05-06)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/23-06-07)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 25-10-03/13-01-06)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/10-07-07)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to miss d, black pen, 23-06-07/10-07-07)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09)
rudolph walker - patrick trueman
(brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to miss delemere, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 23-11-05/14-01-06)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)(kept card)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, "be happy", personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
rudolph walker - patrick trueman
(brown suit, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-07-07/18-07-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(07-08-07/21-08-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)(29-01-08/19-03-08)(28-03-08/01-04-08)(18-02-09/09-03-09)(05-03-09/11-04-09)
rudolph walker - patrick trueman
(brown suit, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 30-05-08/06-06-08)
rudolph walker - patrick
trueman (brown suit, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/24-10-07)
rudolph walker - patrick trueman
(brown suit, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
nicholas r.bailey - dr
anthony trueman x (black suit, cast 6x4 pic, 25-10-03/06-11-04)
gary beadle - paul trueman
x (black leather jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
gary beadle - paul trueman x (black
leather jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 2003)(05-06-03/02-07-03)(06-10-03/01-12-04)
gary beadle - paul trueman x (black
leather jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 18-05-04/01-12-04)(25-10-03/03-12-04)
gary beadle - paul trueman x (black
leather jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, big auto, black felt, 31-01-04/17-04-04)
judi shekoni - precious x (double
sided 8x6 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 16-04-03/13-05-03)
judi shekoni - precious x (written
& signed 8x6 letter, personalized to april, black pen, 16-04-03/13-05-03)
joseph marcell - aubrey
valentine x (black jacket, 6x4 pic, black pen, 15-09-06/08-12-06)
john altman - nick cotton x (b&w
6x4 pic, black pen, 25-03-03/12-04-03)
john altman - nick cotton x (b&w
6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 25-03-03/12-04-03)
john altman - nick cotton x (b&w
6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, dated 06-06-05, 26-05-05/09-06-05)
john altman - nick cotton x
(b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, dated 06-06-05, 26-05-05/09-06-05)
john altman - nick cotton x (black
leather jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-12-03/16-01-04)
john altman - nick
cotton x ("jack & the beanstalk"
7x5 hand cast pic, personalized good luck april, black pen, 12-01-07/05-02-07)
john altman - nick
cotton x ("jack & the beanstalk"
7x5 hand cast pic, personalized for april, black pen, + written on evolp, 12-01-07/05-02-07)
john altman - nick cotton x (written & signed a4 letter, black pen, "cheers
from", 04-06-08/13-06-08)("love from", 04-06-08/13-06-08)("good luck from x x", 04-06-08/13-06-08)("good luck from", 04-06-08/13-06-08)
john altman - nick cotton x (written & signed a4 letter, personalized to april,
black felt, + wrote on evolp, 04-06-08/13-06-08)
john altman - nick cotton x (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april,
black pen, 29-10-08/14-11-08)
john altman - nick
cotton x (written & signed complimwnt
slip, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 29-10-08/14-11-08)
john altman - nick cotton x (black coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 13-01-09/28-01-09)(18-02-09/09-03-09)(27-11-08/23-03-09)
john altman - nick cotton x (black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 08-07-09/17-08-09.
x2)(love from, 08-07-90/17-08-09)
john altman - nick
cotton x (black coat, hand cast 6x4
pic, personalized to linda, black felt, 08-07-09/17-08-09)
john altman - nick
cotton x (black coat, hand cast 6x4
pic, personalized to linda, black felt, 08-07-09/17-08-09)
molly conlin - dotty cotton (blue cardigan,
cast 6x4 pic only, 10-02-09/30-04-09)(06-06-09/24-07-09)(29-05-09/24-07-09)
molly conlin - dotty cotton (blue cardigan,
hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 20-01-09/27-03-09)
frankie fitzgerald - ashley cotton x (black
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2002/18-05-03)
brown - dot branning (apron, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003)(2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)09-05-06/03-06-06)
brown - dot branning (apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 06-10-03/23-10-03)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "with love", 08-11-05/06-12-05)(16-06-06/01-08-06)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "happy birthday", 28-03-06/08-04-06)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, 25-10-03/06-11-03)
june brown - dot branning (apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for
april, black pen, 2003)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 05-10-003/23-10-03)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 05-05-06/08-07-06)(kept card)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to for april, blue pen, 25-10-03/06-11-03)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-11-05/06-12-05)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 16-06-06/01-08-06)
june brown - dot branning (apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
christine, black pen, 28-02-05/11-03-05)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black pen, + written evolp, 23-11-05/03-12-05)(28-03-06/08-04-06)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
brown - dot branning (apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/22-04-05)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/26-08-06)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 08-12-06/23-12-06)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(24-10-07/30-10-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(2008/02-04-08)(30-05-08/05-06-08)(06-03-09/21-03-09)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)(23-06-07/02-07-07)(24-06-08/12-07-08)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/23-06-07)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized for april, black pen, 26-09-07/17-10-07)
june brown - dot branning
(apron, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized for april, black pen, 01-02-08/20-03-08)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/02-07-07)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09)(kept 2 tags)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda sister, black pen, 23-06-07/02-07-07)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
june brown - dot branning (apron,
hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo friend, black pen, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
bardon - jim branning (at car, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(09-05-06/03-06-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, "best wishes", blue pen, 2003)
john bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
for april, blue pen, 07-04-03/2003)
bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 10-03/06-11-03)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 2003/07-04-03)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 2004)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 18-05-04/16-06-04)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 28-09-05/22-10-05)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 28-09-05/10-11-05)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, black pen, 05-05-06/12-05-06)
john bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic,
"god bless", blue pen, 31-01-04/19-02-04)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, "best wishes", black pen, 08-11-05/26-11-05)(28-03-06/08-04-06)
bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 16-06-06/01-07-06)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, + written evolp, 25-10-03/06-11-03)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda sister, black pen, 16-06-06/01-07-06)
bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black pen, 28-02-05/11-03-05)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
bardon - jim branning (at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/23-04-05)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
john bardon - jim branning
(at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
john bardon - jim branning (at
car, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 29-03-07/05-04-07)
john bardon - jim branning (at
car, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, typed a4 letter & hand signed by pa saying john is ill, personalized to april, 14-06-07/14-07-07)(personalized to linda, 23-06-07/18-07-07)(personalized
to april, 01-02-08/14-02-08)
john bardon - jim branning (at
car, print cast 6x4 no w on pic, 2008/23-05-08)(23-06-08/28-06-08)(24-06-08/12-07-08. x2)
scott maslen - jack branning (black jacket,
cast 6x4 pic only, 02-12-07/17-12-07)(03-11-07/18-12-07)(11-12-07/22-12-07()23-12-07/24-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08. x2)(also
in the bill)
jake wood - max
branning (black jacket at door, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-07-06/13-07-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)
jake wood - max
branning (black jacket at door, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 16-06-06/08-07-06)(28-03-06/15-07-06)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at door, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to april, black pen, 17-04-06/05-07-06)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at door, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, + written evolp, 03-08-06/22-11-06)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at door, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to linda, black pen, 16-06-06/08-07-06)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at car, cast 6x4 pic only, 17-04-06/02-08-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 30-01-06/24-08-06)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at car, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
jo, black pen, 19-09-06/10-03-07)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at car, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-12-06/19-05-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(12-03-08/19-03-08)(2008/02-04-08)(18-02-09/09-03-09)
jake wood - max branning (black jacket at car, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black
pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)(14-06-07/14-07-07)(14-06-07/14-07-07)(23-06-07/18-07-07)(26-09-07/25-10-07)(05-09-07/03-11-07)(01-02-08/19-03-08)(+
written evolp to jo, 24-06-08/12-07-08)(08-07-09/23-07-09 & kept 2 tags)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-07-06/13-07-06)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue felt, 19-09-06/14-10-06)(also
in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 13-02-07/14-05-07)(also
in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, blue felt, + typed evolp, 17-04-06/10-07-06)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to linda, blue felt, 16-06-06/22-07-06)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, blue felt, 13-05-06/15-07-06)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, blue felt, 19-09-06/14-10-06)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-12-06/14-12-06)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(02-10-07/20-10-07)(05-03-08/11-03-08)(2008/18-10-08)(18-02-09/09-03-09)(also
in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 13-02-07/14-05-07)(14-06-07/26-09-07)(24-06-08/27-08-80)(also
in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 14-06-07/26-09-07)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 01-02-08/22-02-08)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 26-09-07/05-04-08)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 10-02-09/10-03-09)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/12-01-08)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to chris, black pen, 05-09-07/19-03-08)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (written & signed compliment slip, personalized to
april, black pen, 13-06-08/10-07-08)(also in no angels)
jo joyner - tanya branning (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)(also in no angels)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 01-10-06/14-10-06)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, 2006/08-09-06)(15-08-06/08-09-06)(16-06-06/15-09-06)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, signed at bottom, 15-09-06/27-09-06)(15-09-06/27-09-06)(19-09-06/14-10-06)(24-06-08/18-10-08)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
"best wishes", black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized
to april, + written evolp, 09-06-06/08-09-06)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only,
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic,
black pen, 14-06-07/07-07-07)(23-06-07/09-07-07)(23-06-07/09-07-07)(05-09-07/13-10-07)(01-02-08/19-03-08)(24-06-08/18-10-08)
madeline duggan - lauren branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic,
personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 26-09-07/30-10-07)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 01-10-06/14-10-06)(29-09-06/18-11-06)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
+ typed note, 15-08-06/13-09-06)(09-06-06/13-09-06)(19-09-06/18-11-06)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
+ typed & written note, 15-09-06/24-10-06)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + typed &
written note about school, 26-09-07/08-11-07)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, signed it lorna,
black pen, + typed note on hoilday, x2 23-06-07/29-08-07)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, signed it lorna,
black pen, + typed note on hoilday, x2 14-06-07/29-08-07)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, signed it lorna,
black pen, + typed note, 05-09-07/13-10-07)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, signed it lorna,
black pen, + typed note about school & work, 01-02-08/19-03-08)(24-06-08/27-08-08)
lorna fitzgerald - abi branning (pink & white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 13-01-09/28-01-09)(18-02-09/09-03-09)(25-05-08/09-03-09)(06-03-09/21-03-09)(08-07-09/23-07-09)
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic
only, 10-02-06/08-03-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, + plain compliment
slip, 20-09-05/27-01-06)
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, "best wishes", + written evolp, 05-05-06/14-07-06)
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, + written evolp to jo, 13-05-06/15-07-06)(+ written evolp to jo, 19-09-06/10-03-07)
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/09-06-07)
charlie clements - bradley branning (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black
pen, 08-01-06/20-09-07)(23-06-07/16-11-07)
charlie clements - bradley branning (grey jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 11-12-07/22-12-07)(11-12-07/24-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08.
charlie clements - bradley branning (grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
12-12-07/18-03-08)(02-01-08/18-03-08)(01-02-08/18-03-08)(08-10-08/14-10-08)(+ written evolp, 19-06-08/28-10-08)(24-06-08/13-12-08)(20-01-09/13-03-09)
patsy palmer - bianca jackson (green top, cast 6x4 pic only, 23-05-08/05-06-08)(30-05-08/05-06-08)(10-05-08/07-06-08)(03-01-08/27-08-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)(18-02-09/09-03-09)
patsy palmer - bianca jackson (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 24-06-08/18-10-08.
chris coghill - tony king x (black jacket,
cast 6x4 pic only, 13-01-09/28-01-09)(25-05-08/09-03-09)(also in the royal)
maisie smith - tiffany dean (pink jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 23-05-08/05-06-08)(10-05-08/07-06-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)(10-09-08/18-10-08)(05-03-09/11-04-09)
maisie smith - tiffany dean (pink jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, sticker on back by pa, black
pen, + written evolp, 05-04-08/12-06-08)(24-06-08/27-08-08)(20-01-09/11-02-09)
devon higgs - morgan jackson-king (blue jacket, cast 6x4 no w pic, 03-01-08/27-08-08)(30-05-08/04-09-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(24-06-08/18-10-08)(10-09-08/18-10-08)
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 10-05-08/07-06-08)(23-06-08/28-06-08)(24-06-08/12-07-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 05-04-08/24-06-08)
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-06-08/04-09-08.
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & back, black
felt, 24-06-08/18-10-08)
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & written
& personalized on back, personalized to april, black pen, 19-06-08/04-09-08)
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & written
& signed on back, black pen, personalized to april, 05-04-08/07-01-09)
shona mcgarty - whitney dean (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front in black felt
& written & signed on back in black pen, personalized to jo, 24-06-08/18-10-08)
ruth gemmill - debra x (top, b&e
5x3 pic, black pen, 08-07-09/17-08-09. x2)
mona hammond - blossom jackson x (coat,
hand cast 6x4 pic, gold felt, 30-09-03/15-10-03)
mona hammond - blossom jackson x
(eastenders headed written & signed compliment slip, personalized to april, blue pen, 30-09-03/15-10-03)
dean gaffney - robbie jackson x (white jumper, cast
6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05. than got it hand signed in black felt, in-person by friend on 29-08-07)
natalie cassidy - sonia jackson x (blue top, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)
cassidy - sonia jackson x (coloured top, cast 6x4 pic
only, 2003)(2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)
cassidy - sonia jackson x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4
pic, black pen, 06-10-03/03-04-04)(25-10-03/03-04-04)
natalie cassidy - sonia jackson x
(coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 2003)
natalie cassidy - sonia fowler x
(coloured top, cast 6x4 pic only, 20-03-06/08-04-06)
natalie cassidy - sonia fowler x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "love", 08-11-05/04-02-06)(28-09-05/14-02-06)(14-04-05/25-02-06)(28-02-05/25-02-06)
natalie cassidy - sonia fowler x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "love xx", 23-11-05/25-02-06)
natalie cassidy - sonia fowler x (blue & black coloured top, cast 6x4 pic only, 23-11-06/25-11-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)
jade sharif - rebecca x (red
heart cardigan, cast 6x4 pic only, 27-02-06/03-03-06)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(20-03-06/08-04-06)
janet amsden - margaret x (black top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 17-06-05/09-08-05)
janet amsden - margaret x (black top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, red pen, 05-05-06/19-05-06)
janet amsden - margaret x
(black top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 13-05-06/15-07-06)
wellard - wellard
x (dog sitting in market, cast 6x4 pic only, 29-08-03/11-10-03)(2003)(03-12-04/10-12-04)(05-02-05/08-02-05)(28-02-05/11-03-05)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(28-03-06/08-04-06)(12-05-06/03-06-06)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)
joseph kpobie - juley smith x
(black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(20063/13-05-06)(06-07-06/13-07-06)
mohammed george - gus smith x (vest
top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(2006/13-05-06)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(02-10-07/20-10-07)
george - gus smith x (vest top, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep
smilin", black pen, 18-03-03/24-07-03)
george - gus smith x (vest top, hand cast 6x4 pic, "keep
smilin", black pen, + written evolp, 2003)
george - gus smith x (vest top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black
pen, 2004)
george - gus smith x (vest top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, personalized to april, + written evolp, 06-10-03/11-11-03)
mohammed george - gus smith x
(vest top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to april, + written evolp, 28-09-05/18-11-06)
mohammed george - gus smith x (vest
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to jo, + written evolp, 13-05-06/23-12-06)
mohammed george - gus smith x (vest top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 25-10-03/2003)(31-01-04/02-04-04)(+ written evolp to christine, 28-02-05/05-07-05)(+ written
evolp to jo, 14-04-05/20-08-05 & kept card)(+ written evolp to linda, 08-11-05/01-07-06)
mohammed george - gus smith x (vest
top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 15-05-07/19-05-07)(19-07-07/31-07-07)(11-12-07/11-01-08)(26-01-08/02-02-08)
mcgrath - keisha x (white top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, + wrote on evolp, 12-03-08/18-04-08)
suzie mcgrath - keisha x (white top,
b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 30-05-08/23-07-08)
wendy richard - pauline fowler x (died)(black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003)(2003/25-10-03)
wendy richard - pauline fowler x
(died)(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)
wendy richard - pauline fowler x
(died)(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, 31-01-04/02-03-04)
wendy richard - pauline fowler x
(died)(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2004)
wendy richard - pauline fowler x
(died)(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 25-10-03/2003)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, cast 6x4 pic only, 19-09-05/24-09-05)(06-12-06/14-12-06)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(08-12-06/23-12-06)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand cast
6x4 pic, black pen, 22-11-06/14-03-07)(14-05-07/22-06-07)(2007/08-01-08)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with
betty, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 14-06-07/25-09-07)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, 28-09-05/12-10-05)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/19-05-06)
wendy richard - pauline fowler x (died)(with betty,
hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 14-06-07/25-09-07)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
chris, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand cast
6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
richard - pauline fowler x (died)(with betty, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/23-04-05)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
wendy richard - pauline
fowler x (died)(with betty, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
wendy richard mbe - pauline
fowler x (died)(light
grey top, 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 22-11-06/14-03-07)(2007/08-01-08)
wendy richard mbe - pauline fowler x (died)(light grey top,
6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, + written evolp, 14-06-07/25-09-07)
betty - betty x (betty
laying down, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-02-05/08-02-05)(24-02-05/26-02-05)(28-03-06/08-04-06)(28-02-05/11-03-05)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(23-11-05/03-12-05)(14-04-05/23-04-05)(28-09-05/12-10-05)
betty - betty x (betty wet, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-05-06/19-05-06)(20-05-06/25-05-06)(06-05-06/27-05-06)(13-05-06/03-06-06)(12-05-06/03-06-06)(09-05-06/03-06-06)(19-09-06/14-10-06)
bill treacher - arthur fowler x (white
shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + compliment slip, 09-06-04/25-06-04)
bill treacher - arthur
fowler x (white shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april,
black pen, + written compliment slip, 21-09-05/08-10-05)
alexandrou - martin fowler x (blue top, cast 6x4
pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)
james alexandrou - martin fowler x
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
bought for £1.44 on 04-07-05)
james alexandrou - martin
fowler x (blue top, hand cast
6x4 pic, blue pen, 05-06-03/21-10-05)
james alexandrou - martin
fowler x (blue top, hand
cast 6x4 pic, signed on back only, blue pen, 27-08-03/16-12-06)
james alexandrou - martin
fowler x (green jacket,
cast 6x4 pic only, 20-03-06/08-04-06)(06-05-06/27-05-06)(06-07-06/13-07-06)(03-08-06/09-08-06)(01-10-06/14-10-06)(26-11-06/05-12-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)
james alexandrou - martin
fowler x (green jacket,
hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 03-12-04/18-12-06)(2004/18-12-06)(2004/18-12-06)(2004/18-12-06)
todd carty - mark
fowler x (brown jacket at stall, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for
40p on 18-11-05)(also in the bill)
todd carty - mark
fowler x (brown jacket near square sign, cast 6x4 pic only,
bought for £2.11 on 22-01-06)(also in the bill)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)
ray brooks - joe macer x (blue top,
hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, "its fun", + written evolp, 04-07-05/12-08-05)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & written
on back, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 28-09-05/21-10-05)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, "happy birthday", 08-11-05/24-12-05)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, "thanks", 05-05-06/22-08-06)(kept card)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "happy birthday,
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black
pen, 23-11-05/25-02-06)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black
pen, 28-03-06/15-07-06)
ray brooks - joe
macer x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black
pen, 13-05-06/26-08-06)
nicky wardley - megan
macer x (white shirt, b&w 6x4 pic,
personalized to april, blue felt, 21-02-06/06-04-06)
nicky wardley -
megan macer x (written &
signed a4 letter, personalized to april, blue pen, 21-02-06/06-04-06)
nicky wardley - megan macer x (white shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black felt, 21-02-06/28-06-07)
nicky wardley - megan
macer x (written & signed
a4 letter, personalized to april, blue pen, + written evolp, 21-02-06/28-06-07)
nicky wardley - megan macer x (group of 3 sitting, hand cast 7x5 pic, black felt, 21-08-08/02-09-08)
nicky wardley - megan macer x (group of 3 in blue, hand cast a4 pic, black felt, 21-08-08/02-09-08.
nicky wardley - megan
macer x (written & signed 7x5 letter, personalized to april,
blue pen, + written evolp, 21-08-08/02-09-08)
ian lavender - derek harkinson x (brown
coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
ian lavender - derek harkinson x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 18-03-03/23-04-03)
ian lavender - derek harkinson x
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 27-08-03/04-10-03)
ian lavender - derek
harkinson x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april,
black felt, + typed delay letter, 28-09-05/03-12-05)
ian lavender - derek harkinson x
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, + typed apology slip, 25-10-03/27-02-04)
ian lavender - derek harkinson x (brown
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, black felt, 03-12-04/15-01-05)
ian lavender - derek
harkinson x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "with love",
ian lavender - derek
harkinson x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "with compliments",
lavender - derek harkinson x (brown
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "with love" , personalized to chris, black pen, + typed comliment slip, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
lavender - derek harkinson x (brown coat, hand cast
6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/30-07-05)
ian lavender - derek
harkinson x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4
pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 17-10-02/03-12-05)
woodvine - mary harkinson x (b&w 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black felt, 25-06-03/01-03-04)
woodvine - mary harkinson x (written & signed
a5 letter, personalized to april, black pen, 25-06-03/01-03-04)
dave hill - bert atkinson x (brown jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 20-03-06/24-03-06)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(18-04-07/28-04-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)
dave hill - bert atkinson
x (brown jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, smudged auto, 08-11-05/24-03-06)(23-11-06/08-04-06)(05-05-06/05-08-06)
dave hill - bert atkinson
x (brown jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)(16-06-06/05-10-06)(16-06-06/05-10-06)(19-09-06/14-10-06)(02-02-07/12-02-07)(2008/18-09-08.
dave hill - bert atkinson x
(written & signed a4 letter, personalized to april, black pen, 2008/18-09-08)
dave hill - bert atkinson
x (brown jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/26-08-06)
dave hill - bert atkinson x (brown jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 25-05-07/09-06-07)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, cast 6x4 pic only, 14-06-07/27-06-07)(19-07-07/31-07-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)(30-05-08/05-06-08)(13-01-09/28-01-09)(18-02-09/09-03-09)(10-02-09/30-04-09)(08-07-09/23-07-09)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, + written evolp, 13-01-07/16-10-07)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 28-02-07/16-10-07)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 26-09-07/03-01-08)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/16-11-07)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to aj, black pen, 05-09-07/03-11-07)
jamie borthwick - jay brown (school uniform, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to chris, black pen, 06-10-07/11-01-08)
stephen lord - jase dyer x (black
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 09-07-07/16-07-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(19-07-07/31-07-07)(07-08-07/21-08-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)(29-01-08/19-03-08)
stephen lord - jase dyer x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 14-06-07/25-08-07)(21-02-08/22-08-08)(13-03-08/22-08-08)
stephen lord - jase dyer x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 23-06-07/28-11-07)(05-10-07/29-11-07)(05-10-07/29-11-07)(06-10-07/30-11-07)
peter dean - pete beale x (shirt,
b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, "best wishes", + compliment slip, 04-06-04/29-06-04)
peter dean - pete beale x (shirt,
b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 20-10-03/07-11-03)
woodyatt - ian beale (shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, blue pen, bought for 38p on 05-11-06)
woodyatt - ian beale (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, red pen, bought for £2.14 on 22-01-06)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, cast 6x4 pic only, 25-10-03/17-12-03)(2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(06-05-06/27-05-06)(26-06-06/10-03-07)(29-03-07/05-04-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 26-08-03/05-1-03)(25-10-03/17-12-03)(31-01-04/13-02-04)(2004)(14-04-05/11-06-05)(14-06-07/19-07-07)(23-06-07/20-07-07)(26-09-07/17-10-07)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 21-08-04/13-10-04)(19-09-06/18-11-06)(28-09-05/04-11-05)(28-03-0/03-06-06)(13-05-06/15-07-06)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, fadded auto, 05-05-06/12-05-06)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black felt, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black felt, 23-11-05/14-01-06)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black felt, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 07-07-07/14-07-07)(09-07-07/16-07-07)(24-10-07/30-10-07)(11-12-07/22-12-07)(11-09-08/18-10-08)(05-03-09/11-04-09)
woodyatt - ian beale (grey top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, + written evolp, 01-02-08/04-03-08)(30-05-08/06-06-08)(24-06-08/13-12-08)
michelle collins - cindy beale x
(white top, b&w 9x6 pic, blue pen, + typed letter from pa, 2003/29-09-03)
hannah waterman - laura beale x (red
cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 22-05-03/25-05-03)(25-09-03/06-11-03)
hannah waterman - laura beale x
(green top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
hannah waterman - laura beale x
(green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 12-05-04/13-05-05)
hannah waterman - laura beale x
(green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 31-01-05/13-05-05)
brett - jane collins (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 04-08-04/07-08-04)
brett - jane collins (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 21-08-04/25-08-04)
brett - jane collins (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 28-09-05/12-10-05)
brett - jane collins (white jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(17-04-06/20-04-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)
brett - jane collins (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, blue pen, 03-12-04/18-12-04)
brett - jane collins (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, 28-02-05/11-03-05)(08-12-05/24-12-05)
brett - jane collins (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, blue pen, 23-11-05/14-01-06)
brett - jane collins (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, blue pen, also wrote on the back,
brett - jane collins (red shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, 10-01-07/12-01-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/15-05-06)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo & ?, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(19-07-07/31-07-07)(09-08-07/14-09-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)(29-01-08/19-03-08)(10-05-08/07-06-08)(11-12-07/22-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08. x2)(07-01-08/12-01-08)(29-12-07/25-01-08)(26-01-08/02-02-08)(05-03-08/11-03-08)(23-06-08/28-06-08)
laurie brett - jane collins (red
shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 30-05-08/06-06-08)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 29-03-07/27-04-07)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/10-07-07)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/02-10-07)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 02-01-08/15-01-08)
brett - jane collins (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/10-07-07)
laurie brett - jane beale
(red shirt, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 11-09-08/18-10-08)(13-01-09/28-01-09)(05-03-09/11-04-09)(06-06-09/24-07-09)
laurie brett - jane beale
(red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 30-05-08/13-08-08. x2)(24-06-08/27-08-08)(08-07-09/01-08-09)
brett - jane beale (red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/21-02-08)
laurie brett - jane beale
(red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 30-05-08/13-08-08)
laurie brett - jane beale
(written & signed compliment silp about event, personalized to april, black pen, 30-05-08/13-08-08)
laurie brett - jane beale
(red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
laurie brett - jane beale
(red shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/01-08-09)
john partridge
- christian clarke (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-03-08/11-03-08)(12-03-08/14-03-08)(12-03-08/19-03-08)
john partridge
- christian clarke (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 22-01-08/14-03-08)(01-02-08/14-03-08)(26-11-07/19-03-08)
partridge - christian clarke (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 21-02-08/15-03-08)
john partridge - christian clarke (black
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2008/03-04-08)
john partridge - christian clarke (black
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/13-12-08)
aaron sidwell
- steven beale x (b&w jacket, cast 6x4 pic
only, 11-12-07/22-12-07)(11-12-07/24-12-07)(23-12-07/24-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08. x2)(12-12-07/11-01-08)(23-12-07/12-01-08)(22-01-08/25-01-08)(01-02-08/14-02-08)(29-01-08/19-03-08)(30-01-08/19-03-08)(2008/23-05-08)
sidwell - steven beale x (b&w jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 26-09-07/22-12-07)(06-10-07/11-01-07)
sidwell - steven beale x (b&w jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 01-11-07/22-12-07)
joseph shade - peter beale no:1 x
(red & black shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
joseph shade - peter beale no:1 x (red
& black shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 31-01-04/17-06-04)
joseph shade - peter beale no:1 x
(red & black shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 25-10-03/18-06-03)
james martin - peter beale no:2 x
(blue jumper, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(17-04-06/20-04-06)(05-05-06/13-05-06)
james martin - peter beale no:2 x (blue
jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 03-12-04/18-12-04)
martin - peter beale no:2 x (blue jumper, hand cast 6x4
pic, written & signed on back only, "best wishes love from", black pen, 14-04-05/28-05-05)
martin - peter beale no:2 x (blue jumper, hand cast 6x4
pic, black felt, + written evolp to christine, 28-02-05/11-06-05)
james martin - peter beale no:2 x (blue
jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 28-02-05/11-06-05)(14-04-05/11-06-05)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, 26-11-06/05-12-06)(26-06-06/10-03-07)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to april, 15-09-06/22-09-06)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to aj, 18-11-06/23-12-06)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to jo, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-06-07/05-07-07)(23-06-07/09-07-07)(23-06-07/09-07-07)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, written & signed on front & written
& signed on back, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/05-07-07)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/10-11-07)
law - peter beale no:3 (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, written & signed on front & written
on back, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/11-03-08)
thomas law - peter beale no:3
(blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, written & signed on front & written on back, personalized to jo, black pen,
thomas law - peter beale no:3
(green top cast 6x4 no w pic only, 23-06-08/28-06-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(10-09-08/18-10-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)(07-04-08/18-10-08)
thomas law - peter beale no:3
(green top hand cast 6x4 no w pic, black felt, 08-07-09/17-08-09)
thomas law - peter
beale no:3 (green top hand cast 6x4 no w pic, personalized to april, black felt, 08-07-09/17-08-09)
alex francis - bobby beale (blue jumper, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-11-08/13-12-08)(23-05-08/09-03-09)
alex francis - bobby beale (blue jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written
evolp, 08-10-08/25-10-08)(+ written evolp, 20-01-09/10-02-09)(+ written evolp, 15-12-08/13-08-09)
alex francis - bobby beale (blue jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
24-06-08/13-12-08. x2)(08-07-09/17-08-09. x2)
alex francis - bobby beale (written & signed 4x4 note, personalized to
jo, blue pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/13-12-08)
casey anne rothery - lucy beale no:1 x (white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
casey anne rothery - lucy beale no:1 x (blue & brown top, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(26-06-06/10-03-07)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 14-04-05/03-05-05)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 08-11-05/16-12-05)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 30-12-04/10-03-05)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/16-06-06)(kept
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, black pen, 03-12-04/04-06-05)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black pen, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/15-07-06)
melissa suffield - lucy
beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 23-11-05/14-01-06)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)(black pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)(19-09-06/18-11-06)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, cast 6x4 pic only, 18-04-07/09-06-07)(19-07-07/31-07-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(09-08-07/14-09-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)(26-01-08/02-02-08)(05-03-09/11-04-09)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on back only, black pen, 14-06-07/18-08-07)(14-06-07/18-08-07)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 05-07-09/16-06-09.
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, written & signed on back only, personalized
to april, black pen, 14-06-07/18-08-07)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, written & signed on back only, personalized
to april, black pen, 14-06-07/08-11-07)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 22-01-08/28-02-08)
suffield - lucy beale no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, written & signed on back only, personalized
to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/16-08-07)
melissa suffield - lucy beale no:2
(green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/18-10-08)
chips - chips
(sitting, cast 6x4 pic only, 27-02-06/03-03-06)(10-02-06/08-03-06)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(28-03-06/08-04-06)(28-03-06/06-05-06)(05-05-06/15-05-06)(12-05-06/03-06-06)(09-06-06/15-06-06)(19-09-06/14-10-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)
schofield - jeff healy x (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for £2.14 on 22-01-06)
tamzin outhwaite - melanie owen x
(red jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-12-03/16-01-04)(also in red cap)
tamzin outhwaite - melanie
owen x (red jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 03-09-03/17-09-03)(also in red cap)
outhwaite - melanie owen x (a4 typed & hand
signed letter, personalized to april, blue felt, 15-01-05/22-03-05)(also in red cap)
tamzin outhwaite - melanie owen x (3x6
white card, blue felt, 15-01-05/22-03-05)(also in red cap)
kemp - steve owen x (black jacket, cast 6x4
pic only, bought for 50p on 18-11-05)
kemp - steve owen x (6x4 pic, personalized to
april, wrote "love april" in black felt, & signed in blue felt, 30-12-05/14-01-06)
bart edwards - olly x (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, gold pen, 30-05-08/19-09-08)(24-06-08/18-10-08)
lucy benjamin - lisa
fowler (cream jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-03-03/11-10-03)
lucy benjamin - lisa
fowler (cream jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 03-09-03/20-09-03)(2003/30-10-03)
benjamin - lisa fowler (black top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 06-10-03/18-02-05)
scarlett johnson - vicki fowler x
(brown jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
scarlett johnson - vicki
fowler x (army jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 18-05-04/06-07-04)(2004)
harman - dennis rickman x (blue short sleeve top,
cast 6x4 pic only, 06-08-03/11-10-03)
harman - dennis rickman x (blue short sleeve top,
hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, "hi", 2003/06-10-03)
nigel harman - dennis rickman x
(blue long sleeve top, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-11-05/03-12-05)(09-05-06/03-06-06)
harman - dennis rickman x (blue long sleeve top,
hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, "hi", 24-07-03/07-12-03)(24-07-03/07-12-03)(31-01-04/29-12-04)(10-04-07/11-04-07)
nigel harman - dennis rickman x
(white jumper, b&w a4 pic, black felt, 10-04-07/11-04-07)
dean - sharon watts x (black blouse, cast 6x4 pic
only, 2003/11-10-03)(06-11-05/03-12-05)
dean - sharon watts x (black blouse, hand cast 6x4
pic, black felt, 2003)(31-01-04/11-03-04)(2003/27-04-04)(2004)(?-03-04/03-04-04)(2005)
dean - sharon watts x (black blouse, hand cast 6x4
pic, black felt, + written evolp, 25-10-03/03-04-04)
grantham - den watts x (black leather jacket, 6x4
pic, personalized to april, black pen, 16-04-03/24-04-03)
grantham - den watts x (outside nightclub, cast 6x4
pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
grantham - den watts x (outside nightclub, hand cast
6x4 pic, black felt, 26-08-03/06-09-03)
grantham - den watts x (outside
nightclub, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 2003)
grantham - den watts x (outside nightclub, hand cast
6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 25-10-03/06-11-03)
leslie grantham - den
watts x (outside nightclub, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, 28-09-05/04-10-05)
grantham - den watts x (outside nightclub, hand cast
6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black felt, 31-01-04/10-02-04)
grantham - den watts x (outside
nightclub, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, black felt, 03-12-04/18-12-04)
dobson - angie watts x (cream top, 6x4 pic, black
felt, personalized to april, + wrote on evolp, 22-04-05/07-05-05)
dobson - angie watts x (anita
dobson headed written & signed compliment slip, black pen, personalized to april, 22-04-05/07-05-05)
dobson - angie watts x (cream top, 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, black felt, + wrote on evolp, 12-07-05/20-08-05)
dobson - angie watts x (anita dobson headed written
& signed compliment slip, black pen, personalized to jo, 12-07-05/20-08-05)
anita dobson - angie watts x
(white shirt, behind bar, hand cast a4 pic, black felt, personalized to april, in-person on 03-03-07)(shop photo)
anita dobson - angie watts x
(white top, hand on chair, 6x4 pic, black felt, 03-03-07/06-03-07)
anita dobson - angie watts x (written
& signed 6x4 letter, personalized to april, black pen, + wrote on evolp, 01-05-07/23-05-07)
anita dobson - angie watts x (white
top, 6x4 pic, black felt, 13-06-08/09-07-08)
anita dobson - angie watts x (written
& signed compliment slip, personalized to april, black pen, 13-06-08/09-07-08)
anita dobson - angie watts x (written
& signed card, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 13-06-08/09-07-08)
anita dobson - angie watts x (written
& signed compliment slip, personalized to april, black pen, + wrote on evolp, 06-08-08/14-08-08)(kept 1 pic)
anita dobson - angie watts x (throughly
modern millie 6x4 postcard, written & signed on back only, personalized to paril, black felt, 17-04-09/28-04-09)(kept
2 pics & 1 pop art pic)
tracey-ann oberman - chrissie watts x (white jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-11-05/03-12-05)
oberman - chrissie watts x (white jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-05-04/25-08-04)
oberman - chrissie watts x (white jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 04-08-04/15-09-04)
oberman - chrissie watts x (white jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "love", 28-02-05/11-06-05)(14-04-05/30-07-05)
tara lynn o`neill - joanne ryan x
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt,18-03-03/04-04-03)
jack ryder - jamie mitchell x (blue jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2002)
jack ryder - jamie mitchell x (black
top, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell
(black top, head print 6x4 pic, + compliment slip, 2004/20-03-04)
windsor - peggy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, bought for £1.44 on 11-07-05)
windsor - peggy mitchell (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003)(2003/11-10-03)
windsor - peggy mitchell (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to dear april, black felt, 18-03-03/2003)
windsor - peggy mitchell (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, "lots of love", blue pen, 2003)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(06-05-06/27-05-06)(29-09-06/18-11-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 28-09-05/04-10-05)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to chris, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to chris, black pen, 28-03-06/08-04-06)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to linda, black pen, 08-11-05/06-12-05)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/02-10-06)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 05-02-05/11-05-06)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-12-06/19-05-07)(19-05-07/25-05-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(03-11-07/18-12-07)(2008/02-04-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen,
14-06-07/14-07-07)(06-07-07/18-07-07)(+ written evolp to jo, 24-06-08/12-07-08)(24-06-08/12-07-08)(08-07-09/23-07-09. x2 &
kept 2 tags)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 26-09-07/02-10-07)
barbara windsor - peggy mitchell (red top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 01-02-08/14-02-08)
danniella westbrook - sam mitchell no:1 (bikini outfit,
6x4 pic, black pen, 27-07-03/30-07-03)
danniella westbrook - sam
mitchell no:1 (black dress, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-04-09/11-09-09)
danniella westbrook - sam
mitchell no:1 (black dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/16-09-09)
danniella westbrook - sam
mitchell no:1 (black dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to rob, black pen, + written evolp, 2009/16-09-09)
danniella westbrook - sam
mitchell no:1 (written & signed 6x4 note, personalized
to rob, black pen, 2009/16-09-09)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x
(red & white
top, cast 6x4 pixc only, 2003/11-10-03)
kim medcalf - sam
mitchell no:2 x (red & white top, hand cast
6x4 pic, black pen, 23-11-05/25-02-06)(28-02-05/23-04-05)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x
(red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 2003)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x
(red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 23-10-03/2003)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x
(red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 06-10-03/2003)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x
(red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, "with love", black felt, 2003)(25-10-03/26-11-03)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x (red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
felt, "with love", 31-01-04/27-02-04)
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x (red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, "with love",
kim medcalf - sam mitchell no:2 x (red & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/28-05-05)
ross kemp - grant mitchell x (black top, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-02-05/19-03-05)
ross kemp - grant mitchell x (black leather jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(10-02-06/08-03-06)
ross kemp - grant mitchell x (grey jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 20-03-06/15-04-06)(17-04-06/20-04-06)(2006/03-06-06)(14-06-07/27-06-07)
martine mccutcheon - tiffany mitchell x
(satin dress, 8x6 pic, black felt, 26-03-03/29-05-03)
martine mccutcheon - tiffany mitchell x
(black suit, 8x6 pic, black felt, 11-09-03/03-10-03)
martine mccutcheon - tiffany mitchell x (b&w
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,11-09-03/03-10-03)
christianne oliveira - carla mitchell x (pink top, 7x5 pic, black pen, 17-04-06/31-08-06)
christianne oliveira - carla mitchell x (pink top, 7x5 pic, gold pen, 28-03-06/02-10-06)
megan jossa - courtney mitchell x
(blue top, cast 6x4 pic only, 28-03-06/15-04-06)(20-03-06/15-04-06)
megan jossa - courtney mitchell x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 28-03-06/06-05-06)
megan jossa - courtney mitchell x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, + written evolp, 05-05-06/12-05-06)
megan jossa - courtney mitchell x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 17-04-06/16-06-06)
megan jossa - courtney mitchell x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black felt, 28-03-06/06-05-06)
megan jossa - courtney mitchell x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black felt, 13-05-06/15-07-06)
steve mcfadden - phil mitchell (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, blue felt, 23-11-05/08-04-06)(28-03-06/06-05-06)
steve mcfadden - phil mitchell (black top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
steve mcfadden - phil mitchell (black shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, 01-10-06/14-10-06)(26-11-06/05-12-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)
steve mcfadden - phil mitchell (black shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue felt,
steve mcfadden - phil mitchell (black shirt, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-12-06/14-12-06)(18-04-07/28-04-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(09-08-07/14-09-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(29-12-07/09-01-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(05-03-09/11-04-09)
steve mcfadden - phil mitchell (black shirt, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, cast 6x4 pic only, 28-03-06/15-04-06)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(06-12-06/19-05-07)(19-05-07/25-05-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/23-12-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (my 8x6 letter back signed, black pen, 05-05-06/19-05-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 05-05-06/19-05-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 17-04-06/23-06-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april,
black pen, 21-02-08/07-03-08)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda,
black pen, 16-06-06/10-08-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to chris, black pen, + written evolp, 28-03-06/06-05-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo,
black pen, 19-09-06/23-12-06)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 07-08-07/21-08-07)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 26-09-07/10-06-08)(24-06-08/18-10-08.
x2)(+ written evolp, 08-10-08/23-06-09)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april,
black pen, 26-09-07/16-10-07)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april,
black pen, 20-01-09/13-02-09)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda,
black pen, 23-06-07/20-10-07)
charlie jones - ben mitchell (green top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda,
black pen, 2007/20-10-07)
jill halfpenny - kate mitchell x
(red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003)(also in waterloo road)
jill halfpenny - kate tyler x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 2003)(also in waterloo road)
jill halfpenny - kate tyler x (red
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt,
01-04-03/22-04-03)(also in waterloo road)
jill halfpenny - kate tyler x (red
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 06-10-03/11-10-03)(25-10-03/05-12-03)(also
in waterloo road)
jill halfpenny - kate mitchell x (red
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 31-01-04/03-04-04)(18-05-04/27-05-04)(28-09-05/06-10-05)
(also in waterloo road)
jill halfpenny - kate mitchell x (red
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 11-07-05/05-08-05)(also in waterloo road)
sophie thompson - stella crawford x (black coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 10-01-07/30-01-07)(28-02-07/02-03-07)(26-06-06/10-03-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)
sophie thompson - stella crawford
x (black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen,
sophie thompson - stella crawford
x (black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt,
sophie thompson - stella crawford
x (black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt,
& black pen, signed in black pen & wrote my name in black felt, 28-02-07/07-03-07)
sophie thompson - stella crawford
x (black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, written
& signed on front & written & signed on back, personalized to april, black felt, + written evolp, 14-06-07/16-07-07)
david kennedy - ray x
(black top, b&w a4 pic, signed on front, black felt, & written & signed on back, black pen, personalized to april,
+ written evolp, 09-06-06/29-06-06)
david kennedy - ray x
(black top, b&w a4 pic, personalized to linda, black felt, + written evolp, 16-06-06/08-07-06)
david kennedy - ray x (black top, b&w a4 pic, black felt, 16-06-06/08-07-06)
samantha janus - ronnie mitchell (black dress, cast 6x4 pic
only, 24-09-07/28-09-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)
samantha janus - ronnie mitchell (black dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 24-09-07/02-10-07)(23-06-07/01-10-07)(23-06-07/01-10-07)
rita simons - roxy mitchell (green dress, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-09-07/28-09-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(10-02-09/30-04-09)
rita simons - roxy mitchell (green dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 02-01-08/26-02-08
& kept card)(30-05-08/06-06-08)(12-03-08/19-08-08)(24-06-08/17-01-09)(08-10-08/21-07-09)
larry lamb - archie mitchell x (black
top, cast 6x4 pic only, 11-09-08/13-09-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(11-09-08/18-10-08)(07-04-08/18-10-08)(2008/18-10-08)(08-10-08/01-11-08)(24-11-08/13-12-08)(20-08-08/18-12-08)(23-05-08/09-03-09)(18-02-09/09-03-09)
larry lamb - archie mitchell x (black
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, written & signed on front & back, personalized to april, black pen, 11-09-08/18-09-08)
larry lamb - archie mitchell x (black
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 08-10-08/01-11-08)
larry lamb - archie mitchell x (black
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/18-10-08)
larry lamb - archie mitchell x (black
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo's friend, black pen, 24-06-08/18-10-08)
albert - the dog (brown & white dog, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-01-08/27-08-08)(11-09-08/13-09-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(11-09-08/18-10-08)(2008/18-10-08)(07-04-08/18-10-08)(08-10-08/01-11-08)(02-07-09/24-07-09)
lauren crace - danielle jones x
(pink top, cast 6x4 pic only, 11-09-08/13-09-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(21-08-08/18-10-08)(07-04-08/18-10-08)(24-11-08/13-12-08)(10-02-09/30-04-09)(06-06-09/24-07-09)
lauren crace - danielle jones x
(pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 08-10-08/14-10-08)
lauren crace - danielle jones x (pink
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 11-09-08/20-01-09)
josie lawrence - manda best (blue jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-03-09/21-03-09)(27-11-08/23-03-09)(05-03-09/11-04-09)(10-02-09/30-04-09)(02-07-09/24-07-09)(14-01-09/24-07-09)
josie lawrence - manda best (blue jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 20-01-09/01-08-09)
josie lawrence - manda best (blue jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black
pen, 08-07-09/01-08-09)
josie lawrence - manda best (blue jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda's sister,
black pen, 08-07-09/01-08-09)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink caridgan, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-12-04/10-12-04)(16-11-05/03-12-05)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink caridgan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, written & signed on front & written & signed
on back, 21-08-04/14-10-04)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink caridgan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 28-09-05/26-04-06)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink caridgan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, written & signed on front at bottom, 05-05-06/30-09-06)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, black pen, 03-12-04/15-01-05)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink caridgan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 28-03-06/03-06-06)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x (pink
cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black felt, 14-04-05/22-04-05)
gerry cowper - rosie miller x
(pink caridgan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 19-09-06/02-10-06)
spinx - keith miller x (jean jacket, cast 6x4 pic
only, 03-12-04/10-12-04)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
spinx - keith miller x (jean jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, 21-08-04/02-12-04)
spinx - keith miller x (jean jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, "bigger", 19-09-06/14-10-06)
spinx - keith miller x (jean jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/22-04-05)
spinx - keith miller x (jean jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
spinx - keith miller x (jean jacket, cast 6x4 no
w on pic only, 19-05-07/25-05-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(06-07-07/18-07-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(29-01-08/30-04-08)(2008/23-05-08)
- genghis x (at door, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-12-04/10-12-04)(05-02-05/08-02-05)(28-02-05/11-03-05)(116-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(12-05-06/03-06-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)(14-06-07/27-06-07)
- genghis x (at door, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 21-09-07/28-09-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(03-08-06/09-08-06)(29-03-07/05-04-07)(15-05-07/19-05-07)
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 pic, green felt,
08-11-05/16-12-05)(23-11-05/14-01-06)(08-11-05/31-08-06)(+ written evolp, 28-09-05/06-02-07)
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 pic, thin green
felt, + written evolp, 29-03-07/04-05-07)
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 pic, gold felt,
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 pic, gold felt,
+ written evolp, 08-01-06/18-01-06)(+ written evolp to jo, 13-05-06/23-12-06)
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 pic, pink felt,
+ written evolp to chris, 28-03-06/03-06-06)(kept card)
tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-07-07/18-07-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(09-08-07/14-09-07)(24-05-07/03-11-07)(30-01-08/19-03-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)(11-09-08/18-10-08)
kara tointon
- dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, blue felt, + written
evolp, 14-06-07/13-09-07)(+ written evolp to linda, 23-06-07/28-09-07)
kara tointon - dawn swann x (brown top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black felt, + written evolp, 02-01-08/03-04-08 & kept card)(+
written evolp to jo, 24-06-08/18-10-08)
g. hawkins - darren miller (white jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-12-04/10-12-04)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(13-05-06/27-05-06)
charlie g. hawkins - darren miller (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 21-08-04/11-10-04)(03-12-04/15-01-05)(28-02-05/02-04-05)
g. hawkins - darren miller (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 14-04-05/20-08-05)
g. hawkins - darren miller (blue & white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 19-05-07/25-05-07)(23-06-07/28-06-07)(09-07-07/16-07-07)(06-07-07/18-07-07)(19-07-07/31-07-07)(07-08-07/21-08-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(24-05-07/03-11-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)(05-04-09/11-09-09)
charlie g. hawkins - darren miller
(blue & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, by card & got it signed in-person on 20-09-08)
charlie g. hawkins - darren
miller (blue & white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, by card & got it signed in-person
on 20-09-08)
swash - micky miller x (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only,
swash - micky miller x (black top, hand cast 6x4
pic, black pen, 29-12-03/08-01-04)(31-01-04/26-03-04)
swash - micky miller x (black jacket, cast 6x4 no w on
pic only, 19-05-07/25-05-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(09-07-07/16-07-07)(06-07-07/18-07-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)
shana swash - demi miller x (jean
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-12-04/10-12-04)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(10-02-06/08-03-06)(28-03-06/15-04-06)(20-05-06/25-05-06)(13-05-06/27-05-06)
philip dowling - leo taylor x (pink
top, computer printed 6x4 pic, black pen, 04-07-05/01-08-05)
dowling - leo taylor x (pink
top, computer printed 6x4 pic, blue pen, 28-09-05/08-10-05)(10-08-05/18-10-05)
emma pike - susie x (b&w top, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, + typed letter only, + written evolp, 06-06-03/05-11-03)
sid owen - ricky butcher x
(grey top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
sid owen - ricky butcher x (grey
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 2003/17-03-03)
sid owen - ricky butcher x
(blue top, cast 6x4 no w pic only, 23-06-08/28-06-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)(03-01-08/27-08-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)
sid owen - ricky butcher x
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 no w pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 30-05-08/22-07-08)
sid owen - ricky butcher x
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 no w pic, personalized to april, black felt, 12-03-08/10-09-08)
sid owen - ricky butcher x
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 no w pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
nathan gleeds - liam
butcher no: 1 x (typed & hand
signed nathan mum letter, personalized to april, green pen, 06-10-03/05-11-03)
james forde - liam butcher no:2 (green top, cast 6x4 pic, 03-01-08/27-08-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)(10-09-08/18-10-08)
james forde - liam butcher no:2 (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-10-08/12-06-09)(20-01-09/12-06-09)(15-12-08/01-07-09)(24-06-08/24-07-09)
sophie lawrence - diane butcher x (white
top, b&w 6x4 pic, black felt, 20-08-03/11-09-03)(01-02-08/10-03-08)
charlie brooks - janine butcher (blue jacket, cast 6x4 pic only,
charlie brooks - janine
butcher (black rollneck jumper, cast 6x4 pic only, 09-06-06/15-06-06)
charlie brooks - janine butcher (leopard coat,
cast 6x4 pic only, 18-02-09/09-03-09)(06-03-09/21-03-09)(27-11-08/23-03-09)(05-03-09/11-04-09)(10-02-09/30-04-09)(02-07-09/24-07-09)(29-05-09/24-07-09)
charlie brooks - janine butcher (leopard coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-10-80/13-05-09)(08-07-09/23-07-09. x2 & kept 2 tags)
michael french - david wicks x (black shirt, b&w 8x6 pic, black felt, + plain complement slip, 16-04-03/02-05-03)(also
in born & bred & holby city & casualty)
michael french - david wicks x (black shirt, b&w 8x6 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 02-01-07/16-05-07)(also
in born & bred & holby city & casualty)
michael french - david wicks x (black shirt, b&w 8x6 pic, personalized to april, gold felt, very smudged, 02-01-08/23-01-08)(also
in born & bred & holby city & casualty)
pam st clement - pat evans (leopard coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003)(2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)
st clement - pat evans (leopard coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, signed full name, 2003)(25-10-03/15-11-03)
st clement - pat evans (leopard coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, signed pat cst, 2003)(31-01-03/11-03-04)
pam st clement - pat
evans (leopard coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-11-05/24-12-05)(14-04-05/03-05-05)
st clement - pat evans (leopard coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 28-02-05/02-04-05)(28-09-05/15-11-05)(28-09-05/15-11-05)(23-11-05/14-01-06 & kept
card)(28-03-06/03-06-06)(05-05-06/22-06-06 & kept card)
pam st clement - pat
evans (pink jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-11-07/18-12-07)(19-08-08/19-09-08)
pam st clement - pat
evans (pink jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 23-11-06/25-11-06)(06-12-06/14-12-06)(10-01-07/12-01-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
pam st clement - pat
evans (pink jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black felt, 19-09-06/18-11-06)(10-01-07/30-01-07)
pam st clement - pat
evans (pink jacket, hand cast 6x4 w on pic, black pen, 14-06-07/27-07-07)(23-06-07/31-07-07)(26-09-07/07-12-07)(01-02-08/15-05-08)(24-06-08/18-10-08)(05-07-09/16-09-09.
x2 & kept tags)
tony caunter - roy evans x (black
suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003/27-03-03)
tony caunter - roy
evans x (checked shirt, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt,
21-09-05/03-11-05)(kept card)
shaun williamson - barry
evans x (suit, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
shaun williamson - barry evans x (suit,
hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "happy birthday", 06-10-03/24-10-03)
shaun williamson - barry evans x
(suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "all my love", 25-10-03/06-11-03)
shaun williamson - barry evans x (suit,
hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)
shaun williamson - barry evans x (suit,
hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)
shaun williamson - barry evans x
(suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 06-10-03/24-10-03)
shaun williamson - barry
evans x (black jacket, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen,
shaun williamson - barry
evans x (black
jacket, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, torn in pieces by royal mail, 02-01-07/01-02-07)
shaun williamson - barry
evans x (black
jacket, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 01-07-09/31-07-09)
lucy speed - natalie
evans x (pink top, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-06-03/11-10-03)(also in the bill)
lucy speed - natalie
evans x (stripy top, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)(also
in the bill)
phil daniels - kevin wicks x (suit, cast 6x4 pic only, 20-03-06/24-03-06)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(09-06-06/15-06-06)(15-05-07/19-05-07)
phil daniels - kevin
wicks x (suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 08-11-05/12-04-06)(kept
phil daniels - kevin
wicks x (suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "happy birthday", 08-11-05/12-04-06)
phil daniels - kevin wicks x
(suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 05-05-06/24-10-06)(16-06-06/24-10-06)(28-03-06/18-11-06)(13-05-06/23-12-06)(13-05-06/23-12-06)
phil daniels - kevin wicks x
(suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 08-01-06/30-03-06)
phil daniels - kevin
wicks x (suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, red felt, 20-03-06/04-05-06)
phil daniels - kevin
wicks x (suit, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
phil daniels - kevin wicks x
(suit, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 25-05-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(09-08-07/14-09-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)
phil daniels - kevin wicks x (suit, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 26-09-07/11-03-09)(23-06-07/23-03-09)
matt di angelo - deano
wicks x (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 20-03-06/15-04-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)
matt di angelo - deano wicks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, + written evolp, 10-08-05/06-12-05)(+ written evolp, 08-01-06/24-01-06)(+ written
evolp to linda, 08-11-05/13-01-06 & kept card)(+ written
evolp to chris, 23-11-05/14-01-06)(+ written evolp to chris,
28-03-06/06-05-06 & kept card)
matt di angelo - deano wicks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 13-05-06/15-07-06)
matt di angelo - deano
wicks x (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april,
black felt, + written evolp, 05-05-06/09-06-06)(kept card)
matt di angelo - deano
wicks x (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black
felt, + written evolp, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
matt di angelo - deano wicks x
(black jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 15-05-07/19-05-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)
matt di angelo - deano wicks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black felt, + written evolp, 14-06-07/13-08-07)(+ written evolp, 26-09-07/15-01-08)(+
written evolp, 22-01-08/23-05-08)(+ written evolp to linda, 23-06-07/07-06-08)
kellie shirley - carly wicks x (green top, cast 6x4 pic only, 27-02-06/03-03-06)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(20-03-06/08-04-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(15-05-07/19-05-07)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 23-06-07/11-07-07)(14-06-07/11-07-07)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, drawn a heart, 23-06-07/11-07-07)
kellie shirley - carly wicks
x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 08-01-06/11-05-06)(+ written evolp to jo, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed & than signed by ks,
black pen, 28-03-06/08-04-06)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, "best wishes", +
written evolp to jo, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, + written evolp, 20-03-06/30-03-06)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-12-06/19-05-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)
kellie shirley - carly
wicks x (green top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-06-07/15-08-07)(26-09-07/27-10-07)
linda henry - shirley carter (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 15-09-06/24-03-07)(15-08-06/14-04-07)(06-12-06/19-05-07)(05-10-07/05-04-08)(also in bad girls)
linda henry - shirley carter (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 15-09-06/04-05-07)(11-04-06/04-05-07)(29-03-07/04-05-07)(13-01-07/17-05-07)(23-06-07/18-07-07)(14-06-07/19-07-07)(14-06-07/19-07-07)(28-02-07/21-07-07)(26-09-07/22-11-07)(12-03-08/19-03-08)(20-03-08/23-04-08)(30-05-08/18-06-08)(best wishes, 08-07-09/17-08-09
& kept 2 tags)(also in bad girls)
linda henry - shirley carter (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, "love", black pen, 30-05-08/18-06-08)(also in bad girls)
linda henry - shirley carter (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, "best wishes & love", black pen, + written evolp, 30-05-08/18-06-08)(+ written evolp, 24-06-08/12-07-08)(10-02-09/26-02-09)(also
in bad girls)
bobby davro - vinnie monks x
(black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 09-08-07/14-09-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)(also
in comedians)
bobby davro - vinnie monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 05-10-07/16-11-07)(01-11-07/23-04-08)(24-06-08/12-07-08)(+
written evolp to jo, 24-06-08/12-07-08)(also in comedians)
bobby davro - vinnie monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt,
24-09-07/06-11-07)(also in comedians)
bobby davro - vinnie monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt,
01-02-08/19-02-08)(kept card)(also in comedians)
bobby davro - vinnie monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt,
26-09-07/06-11-07)(also in comedians)
bobby davro - vinnie monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black felt,
05-10-07/16-11-07)(also in comedians)
elliott jordan - callum monks x
(black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 11-09-08/13-09-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(12-09-08/29-09-08)(11-09-08/18-10-08)(21-08-08/18-10-08)(23-05-08/09-03-09)
elliott jordan - callum monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 11-09-08/18-09-08)
elliott jordan - callum monks x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 08-10-08/08-11-08)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (black top, b&w computer printed 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 23-06-07/06-07-07)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (black top, b&w computer printed
6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 09-07-07/26-07-07)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, cast 6x4 pic only, 12-09-07/27-09-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(24-05-07/03-11-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)(24-09-07/30-11-07)(23-05-08/09-03-09)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 24-09-07/28-09-07)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-11-07/26-11-07)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/21-02-08)(kept card)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 06-10-07/03-11-07)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 05-10-07/20-10-07)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
cheryl fergison - heather trott (coloured dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo firend, black pen, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
diane parish - denise fox (grey
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 20-05-06/25-05-06)(06-05-06/27-05-06)(13-05-06/27-05-06)(09-05-06/03-06-06)(2006/03-06-06)(also
in the bill)
diane parish - denise
fox (grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "x", 17-04-06/04-10-06)(16-06-06/05-10-06)(also in the bill)
diane parish - denise
fox (grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 05-05-06/04-10-06)(28-03-06/14-10-06)(also in the bill)
diane parish - denise
fox (grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "x", + written evolp to jo, 19-09-06/14-10-06)(also in the bill)
diane parish - denise fox (purple
coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 29-03-07/05-04-07)(06-12-06/19-05-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(07-07-07/14-07-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(11-12-07/11-01-08)(05-03-09/11-04-09)(also
in the bill)
diane parish - denise wicks
(purple coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 30-01-08/19-03-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)(also in the bill)
diane parish - denise wicks
(purple coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 30-05-08/06-06-08)(also in the bill)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (written & signed 7x5 letter, personalized to april, blue pen, 07-02-05/19-02-05)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 28-03-06/15-04-06)(05-05-06/13-05-06)(09-06-06/15-06-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(29-03-07/05-04-07)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to april, written & signed on front, 17-04-06/19-05-06)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda & sister, black pen, 16-06-06/01-08-06)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, written & signed on front, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 19-09-06/23-12-06)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (purple top, cast 6x4 w on pic only, 15-08-06/14-04-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(09-07-07/16-07-07)(21-09-07/28-09-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(30-01-08/19-03-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)(18-02-09/09-03-09)
tiana benjamin - chelsea
fox (purple top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 29-03-07/20-04-07)(+ written evolp, 14-06-07/27-06-07)(+ written evolp to linda,
belinda owusi - libby fox (grey
jumper, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-05-06/13-05-06)(2006/13-05-06)(29-03-07/05-04-07)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)(19-09-06/14-10-06)(14-06-07/02-07-07)(01-02-08/11-08-08)
belinda owusi - libby fox
(grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 17-04-06/28-04-06)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 29-03-07/24-04-07)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/09-06-07)(12-06-07/16-06-07)(07-07-07/14-07-07)(11-12-07/22-12-07)(30-01-08/19-03-08)(12-03-08/19-03-08)(23-05-08/09-03-09)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 23-06-07/02-07-07)(23-06-07/02-07-07)(24-06-08/27-08-08)
belinda owusi - libby
fox (grey jumper, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/02-11-07)
don gilet - lucas johnson (black
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 08-10-08/01-11-08)(24-11-08/13-12-08)(20-08-08/18-12-08)(10-09-08/19-12-08)(23-05-08/09-03-09)
don gilet - lucas johnson (black
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 22-05-09/05-09-09)
michael-joel david stuart - jordan johnson (grey uniform, cast 6x4 pic, 08-07-09/23-07-09)(29-05-09/24-07-09)(05-04-09/11-09-09)
nina toussaint-white - syd chambers
(blue cardigan, cast 6x4 pic only, 18-02-09/09-03-09)(06-03-09/21-03-09)(27-11-08/23-03-09)(10-02-09/30-04-09)(14-01-09/24-07-09)
nina toussaint-white - syd chambers (blue
cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 10-02-09/06-03-09)
nina toussaint-white - syd chambers (blue
cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-07-09/16-06-09. x2)
micah thomas - noah chambers (typled
compliment slip only, 08-07-09/16-09-09)
kinsella - kelly taylor x (white jacket, cast 6x4
pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
brooke kinsella - kelly
taylor x (white jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 06-10-03/23-10-03)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x
(white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 31-01-04/28-02-04)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x
(white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x
(white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-04-03/03-05-03)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x
(white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 03-05-03/10-05-03)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x (white jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda,
black pen, 06-10-03/23-10-03)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x
(white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jake, black pen, bought for 33p on 01-12-04)
brooke kinsella - kelly taylor x
(white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to joe, black pen, bought for 33p on 01-12-04)
michael higgs - andy hunter x (black
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 26-08-03/05-11-03)(15-09-03/13-11-03)(25-10-03/14-11-03)(31-01-04/19-02-04)(23-11-05/25-02-06)(28-09-05/18-01-06)(04-01-06/04-02-06)(also in the bill)
higgs - andy hunter x (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 28-04-04/06-01-05)(03-12-04/15-01-05)(2005)(also in the bill)
murray - johnny allen x (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic
only, 24-02-05/26-02-05)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/15-04-06)(also
in the bill)
billy murray - johnny
allen x (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, personalized
to april, in-person on 17-09-05)(also in the bill)
murray - johnny allen x (black jacket, hand cast
6x4 pic, black pen, 30-12-04/23-04-05)(30-12-04/23-04-05)(05-02-05/23-04-05)( 28-02-05/27-04-05)(14-04-05/04-05-05)(28-09-05/26-08-06)( 08-11-05/31-08-06)(also in the bill)
billy murray - johnny allen x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + typed compliment slip, + typed evolp, 18-05-04/03-08-05)(also in the bill)
billy murray - johnny
allen x (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
aj, black pen, 23-11-05/26-08-06)
louisa lytton - ruby
allen x (red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(09-06-06/15-06-06)(also
in the bill)
louisa lytton - ruby
allen x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 08-11-05/26-11-05)(also
in the bill)
louisa lytton - ruby
allen x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)(also
in the bill)
lytton - ruby allen x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to april, black pen, 05-02-05/05-05-05)(also in the bill)
lytton - ruby allen x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to jo, black felt, 14-04-05/04-05-05)(also in the bill)
louisa lytton - ruby
allen x (white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 17-04-06/02-08-06)(26-06-06/10-03-07)(also
in the bill)
louisa lytton - ruby
allen x (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 05-05-06/08-07-06
& kept card)(28-03-06/15-07-06)(13-05-06/15-07-06)(16-06-06/22-07-06)(19-09-06/18-11-06)(also
in the bill)
charlotte avery - tina
stewart x (red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 17-04-06/02-08-06)
avery - tina stewart x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to april, black pen, 05-02-05/26-03-05)
charlotte avery - tina
stewart x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, + written on the back, 28-09-05/25-10-05)
avery - tina stewart x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to christine, black pen, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
charlotte avery - tina
stewart x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black
pen, & wrote a website on the back, 23-11-05/25-02-06)
avery - tina stewart x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/23-04-05)
charlotte avery - tina
stewart x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, &
wrote a website on the back, 08-11-05/15-02-06)
maskall - danny moon x (red top & blue
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-02-05/26-02-05)
jake maskall - danny
moon x
(red top & blue jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-02-05/14-01-06)
beckett - jake moon x
(black jacket, near wall, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 14-04-05/20-08-05)(30-12-04/12-11-05)
joel beckett - jake
moon x (black jacket, near wall, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black felt, 05-02-05/11-03-05)
joel beckett - jake
moon x (black jacket, near wall,
cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(06-07-06/13-07-06)
joel beckett - jake
moon x (black
jacket, near vic, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-09-05/12-11-05)(30-12-04/22-11-05)(23-11-05/03-12-05)(08-11-05/13-01-06)(23-11-05/14-01-06)(05-05-06/18-08-06 & kept card)(19-09-06/18-11-06)
shane richie - alfie
moon x (leather jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(09-06-06/15-06-06)
shane richie - alfie moon x (leather
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black charcol pencil, 24-12-03/08-01-04)
shane richie - alfie moon x (leather
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 2003)(05-03-03/03-05-03)(13-11-03/11-12-03)
shane richie - alfie moon x (leather
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 2003)(2003)(31-01-04/22-03-05)(28-09-05/26-08-06)
richie - alfie moon x (leather jacket,
hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, + typed complimrnt slip, + written evolp to april, 2005/09-06-05)
shane richie - alfie
moon x (leather jacket,
hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, + typed complimrnt slip, 03-12-04/04-11-05)(04-07-05/15-02-06)(23-11-05/06-05-06 & kept card)(14-04-05/06-05-06)
shane richie - alfie
moon x (leather jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black
felt, fadded auto, 08-11-05/31-08-06)
christopher parker - spencer moon x (standing, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
christopher parker - spencer moon x
(standing, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, personalized to april, 30-04-03/05-11-03)
christopher parker - spencer moon x
(standing, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 06-10-03/08-01-04)(2004)(25-10-03/09-01-04)(2003)
christopher parker - spencer moon x (blue jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 30-01-04/01-03-05)(06-10-04/04-03-05)
christopher parker - spencer moon x
(blue jacket sitting, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, also website on back,10-09-04/05-09-10-04)
hilda braid - nana moon x (died)(brown coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)
hilda braid - nana moon x (died)(brown
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 06-10-03/15-10-03)
hilda braid - nana moon x (died)(brown
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 06-10-03/15-10-03)
hilda braid - nana moon x (died)(brown
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, "best wishes", black pen, 2003)(25-10-03/14-11-03)(31-01-04/19-03-04)
braid - nana moon x (died)(brown coat, hand
cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-02-05/02-04-05)(14-04-05/06-05-05)(08-11-05/26-11-05)(23-11-05/14-01-06)
dudley sutton - wilfred atkins x (blue
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 26-05-04/07-02-05)
dalip tahil - dan ferriera x (brown
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
dalip tahil - dan ferriera x (brown
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 04-08-03/03-09-03)
pooja shah - kareena
ferriera x (red top, cast 6x4 pic only,
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x
(red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2004/04-02-04)
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x
(red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 18-05-04/13-07-04)
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x
(red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 15-05-03/27-05-03)
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x
(red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 25-10-03/06-11-03)
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x (purple top, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-02-05/26-02-05)
pooja shah - kareena
ferriera x (purple
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 18-02-07/24-02-07)(18-02-07/24-02-07)
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x (purple
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + website card, 05-02-05/15-02-05)
pooja shah - kareena ferriera x
(purple top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, + written evolp, 28-02-05/11-06-05)
pooja shah - kareena
ferriera x (purple top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, black pen, + website card, 14-04-05/26-04-05)
pooja shah - kareena
ferriera x (grey top, 6x4 pic, black
pen, + written evolp, 19-01-08/02-02-08)
pooja shah - kareena
ferriera x (grey top, 6x4 pic, black
pen, 19-01-08/02-02-08)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white & blue shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, "happy birthday", black pen, 06-10-03/17-10-03)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, "lots of love", black pen, 25-10-03/12-12-03)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 11-06-03/23-07-03)
chana - adi ferriera x (white & blue shirt, hand
cast 6x4 pic, "lots of love", black pen, personalized to april, 31-01-04/11-03-04)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, "love", personalized to april, black pen, 18-05-04/17-07-04)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white & blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 25-10-03/12-12-03)
ameet chana - adi
ferriera x (white & blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 04-01-06/21-01-06)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, blue pen, also wrote at bottom, 03-12-04/26-01-05)
ameet chana - adi ferriera x (white
& blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine & neice, black pen, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
ray panthaki - ronny ferriera x
(red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
ray panthaki - ronny
ferriera x (red top, hand cast
6x4 pic, black pen, personalized to april, 12-08-03/03-09-03)
nabil elouahabi - tarqiq
larousi x (red
& grey jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
raji james - ash ferriera x (grey
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(also in the bill)
raji james - ash ferriera x (grey
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 11-06-03/17-06-03)(also
in the bill)
raji james - ash ferriera x (grey
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen,
2003)(also in the bill)
raji james - ash ferriera x (grey
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 18-05-03/07-06-04)(also
in the bill)
raji james - ash ferriera x (grey
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, green pen, 31-01-04/25-02-04)(also
in the bill)
raji james - ash ferriera x (grey
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to lindas sister, black pen, 06-10-03/17-10-03)(also
in the bill)
jemma walker - sasha perkins x (red
& white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 21-08-04/25-09-04)(also
in family affairs)
jemma walker - sasha perkins x (red
& white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, smaller writting, 04-09-04/25-09-04)(also in family affairs)
jemma walker - sasha perkins x (red
& white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, black pen, 03-12-04/02-02-05)(also
in family affairs)
jessie wallace - kat
slater x (pink top, hand cast
6x4 pic, blue pen, bought for £2.22 on 30-06-06)
jessie wallace - kat
slater x (black coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
jessie wallace - kat
slater x (black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, faded auto, black
felt, 27-08-03/15-10-03)
jessie wallace - kat slater x (black
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 2002/02-08-02)(25-10-03/27-01-04)(31-01-04/28-04-04)
jessie wallace - kat moon x (black coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/08-04-06)
jessie wallace - kat moon x
(black coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 18-05-04/12-10-04)(14-04-05/30-07-05)(28-02-05/30-07-05)(03-12-04/02-09-05)
michelle ryan - zoe slater x (cherry
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "lots of love", 2003)(2003)(03-12-04/15-01-05)
ryan - zoe slater x (cherry top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 12-01-05/14-01-05)
michelle ryan - zoe
slater x (cherry top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003)(2003/11-10-03)
michelle ryan - zoe slater x (cherry
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 2004/17-08-04)
michelle ryan - zoe slater x (cherry
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 25-10-03/07-11-03)
michelle ryan - zoe slater x (cherry
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 25-10-03/07-11-03)
michelle ryan - zoe slater x (cherry
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 18-05-04/29-05-04)
michelle ryan - zoe slater x (cherry
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-06-04/27-07-04)
michelle ryan - zoe
slater x (cherry top, hand cast
6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, "drawn a heart", 05-05-06/08-08-06)
michelle ryan - zoe
slater x (cherry top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, "drawn a heart", 27-02-06/14-08-06)
ryan - zoe slater x (cherry top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to linda, black pen, 25-10-03/2003)
ryan - zoe slater x (cherry top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to christine, black pen, 28-02-05/04-05-05)
michelle ryan - zoe
slater x (cherry top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
chris, black pen, 28-03-06/26-08-06)
michael elphick - harry
slater x (died)(sitting in chair, 6x4 pic, black pen, bought
for £2 in 2004)
carmel cryan - brenda (top, b&w 6x4 pic,
black pen, 31-05-08/11-08-08)(24-06-08/27-08-08. x2)
carmel cryan - brenda (typed
& hand signed a4 letter, personalized to april, black pen, 31-05-08/11-08-08)
carmel cryan - brenda (typed & hand signed
a4 letter, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 25-10-03/08-11-003)(28-02-05/11-03-05)(08-11-05/22-11-05)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
martin - charlie slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)
martin - charlie slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003/04-02-04)
martin - charlie slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 13-03-03/01-04-03)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 28-09-05/04-10-05)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/19-06-07)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 28-03-06/08-04-06)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/22-04-05)
derek martin - charlie
slater (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo & cousin, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
derek martin - charlie
slater (in taxi, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-05-06/13-05-06)(09-05-06/03-06-06)(28-02-07/02-03-07)
derek martin - charlie
slater (in taxi, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 02-02-07/12-02-07)(23-06-07/02-07-07)(08-07-09/23-07-09. x2)
derek martin - charlie slater
(in taxi, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/11-05-06)
derek martin - charlie
slater (in taxi, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/21-02-08)
derek martin - charlie
slater (in taxi, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 08-05-06/03-06-06)
derek martin - charlie
slater(in taxi, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
derek martin - charlie
slater (in taxi, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 19-05-07/25-05-07)(06+07-07/18-07-07)(29-01-08/30-04-08)
derek martin - charlie slater (in
taxi, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
derek martin - charlie
slater (in taxi, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/19-10-07)
derek martin - charlie slater (in
taxi, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
laila morse - mo harris (black
jacket & showing hands, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, bought for £2.14 on 22-01-06)
laila morse - mo harris (black
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/08-04-06)
morse - mo harris (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "lots of love", 2003)
laila morse - mo harris
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-11-05/26-11-05)(16-06-06/24-06-06)(16-06-06/24-06-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "happy birthday", 28-03-06/08-04-06)
morse - mo harris (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 18-05-04/21-05-04)
morse - mo harris (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-06-03/17-06-03)
laila morse - mo harris (black
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 28-09-05/06-10-05)
laila morse - mo harris
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-11-05/26-11-05)
laila morse - mo harris
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black pen, 28-02-05/11-03-05)
laila morse - mo harris (black
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 23-11-05/03-12-05)
laila morse - mo harris
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 28-03-06/08-04-06)
morse - mo harris (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/23-04-05)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, cast 6x4 no w pic only, 2006/13-05-06)(09-05-06/03-06-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp to chris, 08-05-06/03-06-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/10-05-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black pen, 08-05-06/03-06-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/03-06-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 25-05-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)(06-07-07/18-07-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(19-08-08/19-09-08)(07-04-08/18-10-08)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)(23-06-07/02-07-07)(+ written evolp, 30-05-08/08-07-08)(30-05-08/08-07-08)(08-07-09/23-07-09)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/20-06-07)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/23-10-07)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/15-02-08)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 12-03-08/15-03-08)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/02-07-07)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09)
laila morse - mo harris
(brown coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/12-07-08)
leanne lakely - belinda
peacock x (leopard coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(also
in family affairs)
lakely - belinda peacock x (leopard coat, hand cast
6x4 pic, "warm regards", personalized to april, black felt, 01-05-03/06-10-03)(also in family affairs)
leanne lakely - belinda peacock x (leopard
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, "take care", black felt, 02-10-03/06-10-03)(also in family affairs)
leanne lakely - belinda peacock x (leopard
coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 2003/17-03-04)(also in family affairs)
turner - stacey slater (red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-02-05/26-02-05)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(06-05-06/27-05-06)(13-05-06/27-05-06)(05-05-06/13-05-06)(03-08-06/09-08-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)
turner - stacey slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, 30-12-04/02-04-05)(28-02-05/02-04-05)(28-09-05/14-01-06)
turner - stacey slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 05-02-05/02-04-05)(05-05-06/01-06-06 & kept card)(28-03-06/03-06-06)(08-11-05/14-06-06 & kept card)(19-09-06/14-10-06)(29-03-07/26-06-07)
lacey turner - stacey
slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "tx", 14-04-05/14-01-06)
turner - stacey slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to janet, blue pen, 03-12-04/04-06-05)
turner - stacey slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jane, blue pen, 03-12-04/04-06-05)
lacey turner - stacey
slater (red top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 29-03-07/05-04-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)
lacey turner - stacey
slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)
lacey turner - stacey
slater (red top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black felt, 12-03-08/01-04-08)(01-02-08/01-04-08)(22-01-08/04-06-08)
lacey turner - stacey branning (red
top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 11-12-07/22-12-07)(11-12-07/24-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08. x2)(12-12-07/11-01-08)(07-01-08/12-01-08)(26-01-08/02-02-08)(05-03-08/11-03-08)(29-01-08/19-03-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)(23-05-08/09-03-09)
lacey turner - stacey branning (red
top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 30-05-08/08-08-08)
lacey turner - stacey branning (red
top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black felt, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
robert kazinsky - sean slater x (brown coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 10-01-07/12-01-07)
robert kazinsky - sean slater x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 16-06-06/22-07-06)
robert kazinsky - sean
slater x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "with love", 16-06-06/22-07-06)
robert kazinsky - sean
slater x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 20-05-06/16-09-06)(02-06-06/20-09-06)
robert kazinsky - sean
slater x (brown coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, signed on his arm, 19-09-06/02-10-06)(19-09-06/02-10-06)
robert kazinsky - sean slater x
(brown coat, cast 6x4 closer logo & no w on pic only, 07-01-08/12-01-08)
robert kazinsky - sean
slater x (brown coat, cast 6x4 no w on pic
only, 06-07-07/18-07-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)(02-10-07/20-10-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(12-03-08/19-03-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 19-01-06/01-02-06)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 16-06-06/01-07-06)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to linda`s sister, black pen, 16-06-06/01-07-06)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, cast 6x4 pic only, 12-09-07/27-09-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(24-05-07/03-11-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07)(22-01-08/25-01-08)(30-05-08/05-06-08)(06-03-09/21-03-09)
gillian wright - jean slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 30-05-08/06-06-08)
gillian wright - jean slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, written & signed about mum, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/13-09-07)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 24-09-07/28-09-07)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/04-10-07)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/21-02-08)(kept card)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 05-10-07/20-10-07)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda & linda sister, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09 & kept
2 tags)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
gillian wright - jean
slater (white cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo's friend, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
elaine lordon - lynne
hobbs x (black top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
elaine lordon - lynne hobbs x (black top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "love", 2003)(25-10-03/26-03-04)
elaine lordon - lynne hobbs x (black
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 2003/04-04-03)
ricky groves - garry
hobbs x (purple top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(16-11-05/03-12-05)
groves - garry hobbs x (purple top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, + written evolp, 2003)
groves - garry hobbs x (purple top, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, 06-10-03/09-10-03)(2004)(31-01-04/10-02-04)(2004)(28-02-05/29-04-05)(28-09-05/10-11-05)(23-11-05-14-01-06)(28-03-06/26-08-06)
ricky groves - garry
hobbs x (purple top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 25-10-03/05-12-03)
ricky groves - garry
hobbs x (blue overalls, cast 6x4 pic only, 01-10-06/14-10-06)(29-09-06/18-11-06)
ricky groves - garry hobbs
x (blue overalls, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 13-05-06/26-08-06)(05-05-06/08-12-06)(19-09-06/23-12-06)
ricky groves - garry
hobbs x (blue overalls, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 06-12-06/19-05-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(07-07-07/14-07-07)(29-01-08/19-03-08)(18-02-09/09-03-09)(05-04-09/11-09-09)
ricky groves - garry
hobbs x (blue overalls, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)(23-06-07/12-09-07)(23-06-07/12-09-07)(26-09-07/16-11-07)(01-02-08/09-04-08)(12-03-08/09-04-08)(+
written evolp to jo, 24-06-08/12-07-08)(08-07-09/23-07-09 & kept 2 tags)
kika mirylees - hazel hobbs x (written
& signed eastenders headed compliment slip, black pen, 11-04-07/08-02-08)(01-02-08/11-03-08)(also in bad girls)
kacey ainsworth - little mo morgan x (blue
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)(also in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo morgan x
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 2003)(also in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo
mitchell x (red top, cast 6x4 pic only, 16-11-05/03-12-05)(13-05-06/27-05-06)(2006/13-05-06)(also
in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo
mitchell x (blue top, cast 6x4
pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(also in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo mitchell x (blue
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 2003)(13-05-06/26-08-06)(also in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo
mitchell x (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
linda, black pen, 25-10-03/19-12-03)(also in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo
mitchell x (red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 06-10-03/03-02-04)(03-12-04/04-06-05)( 05-05-06/20-05-06)(28-03-06/03-06-06)(26-05-07/22-06-07)(also
in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo mitchell x (red
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 06-10-03/03-02-04)(also in holby blue)
kacey ainsworth - little mo mitchell x
(red top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, black pen, 31-01-04/15-01-04)(also
in holby blue)
ainsworth - little mo mitchell x (red top, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black pen, 28-02-05/12-05-05)(also in holby blue)
ainsworth - little mo mitchell x (red top, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized
to jo, black pen, 14-04-05/20-08-05)(also
in holby blue)
terrence - terrence (terrance,
cast 6x4 pic only, 29-08-03/11-10-03)(2003)(03-12-04/10-12-04)(05-02-05/08-02-05)(24-02-05/26-02-05)(28-02-05/11-03-05)(16-11-05/0312-05)(28-03-06/08-04-06)(12-05-06/03-06-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)(14-06-07/27-06-07)
terrence - terrence (terrance, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 21-09-07/28-09-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)(19-08-08/18-10-08)(08-10-08/01-11-08)
fenwick - billy mitchell (shirt, b&w 5x4 pic, black felt, 26-03-03/07-04-003)
perry fenwick - billy
mitchell (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
perry fenwick - billy
mitchell (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 31-01-04/23-04-04)
fenwick - billy mitchell (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to dear april, black felt, 26-03-03/07-04-03)
fenwick - billy mitchell (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 08-05-03/08-07-03)
fenwick - billy mitchell (blue jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 06-11-03/20-11-04)
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-02-05/26-02-05)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(15-08-06/14-04-07)(19-05-07/25-05-07)(25-05-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, "happy birthday", black felt, 30-12-04/04-02-05)
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 28-02-05/23-04-05)
perry fenwick - billy
mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-11-05/08-07-06 & kept card)(23-11-05/15-07-06 & kept tag)(02-02-07/12-02-07)(26-09-07/16-10-07)(23-06-07/20-10-07)(19-09-06/30-11-07)(08-07-09/17-08-09)
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 30-12-04/22-04-05)
perry fenwick - billy mitchell
(white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 28-09-05/08-10-05)
perry fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written
evolp, 05-02-05/06-09-08)
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black felt, + written evolp,
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to christine, black felt, 28-02-05/23-04-05)
fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black felt, 14-04-05/25-04-05)
perry fenwick - billy mitchell (white top,
cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 19-07-07/26-07-07)(14-09-07/13-10-07)(03-11-07/18-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(10-05-08/07-06-08)(21-08-08/18-10-08)(06-03-09/21-03-09)
perry fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 05-05-06/29-01-08)(01-02-08/06-09-08)(24-06-08/18-10-08.
perry fenwick - billy mitchell (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/17-08-09)
emma barton - honey edwards x (white coat, cast 6x4 pic only, 27-02-06/03-03-06)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(01-10-06/14-10-06)(04-12-06/08-12-06)(14-06-07/19-06-07)(09-07-07/16-07-07)(19-07-07/26-07-07)(29-10-07/03-11-07
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-11-05/08-03-06)(23-11-05/11-03-06)
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes",
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 08-01-06/03-03-06)
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 06-10-05/15-03-06)
emma barton - honey edwards
x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen,
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black
pen, 08-11-05/08-03-06)(kept card)
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, black
pen, 28-03-06/06-05-06)(kept card)
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black
pen, 13-05-06/26-08-06)
emma barton - honey
edwards x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black
pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
emma barton - honey mitchell
x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, "best wishes", 23-06-07/31-07-07)
emma barton - honey mitchell
x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen,
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white coat, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 19-05-07/25-05-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(05-03-08/11-03-08)29-01-08/19-03-08)(29-01-08/30-04-08)
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-06-07/24-07-07)(24-06-08/27-08-08)
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen,
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white
coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 02-01-08/02-02-08)(kept card)
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white
coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/07-02-08)
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white
coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 01-02-08/08-05-08)
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white
coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 12-03-08/08-05-08)
emma barton - honey mitchell x (white
coat, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (white top, b&w 5x3 pic, personalized to april, blue
pen, + written evolp, 07-02-05/22-08-05)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (white top, b&w 5x3 pic, personalized to cousin, black
pen, 28-03-06/08-04-06)
nicky henson - jack edwards
x (black shirt, b&w 5x4 pic, black pen, 08-01-06/03-02-06)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (black shirt, b&w 5x4 pic, black pen, 05-05-06/31-05-06)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (black shirt, b&w 5x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen,
nicky henson - jack edwards
x (white shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, 03-08-06/09-08-06)(01-10-06/14-10-06)(29-09-06/18-11-06)(08-12-06/23-12-06)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (white shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 01-11-06/08-12-06)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (white shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 04-12-06/02-01-07)
nicky henson - jack
edwards x (white shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black
pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
cliff parsi - minty
pearson (blue top, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)(08-12-06/23-12-06)
parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, 08-08-03/07-09-03)
parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 28-02-04/23-04-05)
parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 14-04-05/12-05-05)(28-03-06/15-07-06)(28-03-06/15-07-06)
cliff parsi - minty pearson
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 05-05-06/11-07-06)(kept card)
parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 06-10-03/18-11-03)
parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 25-10-03/25-11-03)
cliff parsi - minty pearson
(blue top, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed bottom left, black pen, 28-09-05/06-12-05)
cliff parsi - minty pearson (blue top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/28-04-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)(29-01-08/30-04-08)(11-09-08/18-10-08)(05-03-09/11-04-09)
cliff parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 19-09-06/19-05-07)(19-09-06/19-05-07)(14-05-07/22-06-07)(01-02-08/26-03-08)
cliff parsi - minty pearson (blue top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black felt, 23-06-07/28-09-07)(26-09-07/28-01-08)(24-06-08/13-12-08.
cliff parsi - minty pearson (eastenders headed written & signed compliment slip,
black pen, 26-09-07/28-01-08)(01-02-08/26-03-08)
lisa stevenson - emma x (black top,
b&w a4 pic, black pen, + written evolp, 10-08-05/18-08-05)
lisa stevenson - emma x (a4 typed a4 & hand signed letter, black pen, 10-08-05/18-08-05)
natasha beaumont - sj fletcher x (coloured top, cast 6x4 pic only, 06-07-06/13-07-06)(03-08-06/09-08-06)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, "best of luck", black pen, 16-06-06/28-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj fletcher x (coloured
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, blue pen, 05-09-07/13-10-07)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp,
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to lovely april, black pen, 08-05-06/18-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized for april, "lots of love", black
pen, 05-05-06/27-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, "with love", black pen, 09-06-06/27-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 16-06-06/28-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj fletcher x (coloured top, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, blue pen, + written evolp, 05-09-07/13-10-07)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 19-09-06/14-10-06)
natasha beaumont - sj
fletcher x (coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/19-09-06)
petra letang - noami julien x (pink top, cast 6x4 pic only, 19-09-05/24-09-05)(16-11-05/03-12-05)(08-12-06/23-12-06)(also in family
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 28-03-06/18-11-06)(02-02-07/12-02-07)(also in
family affairs)
petra letang - noami julien
x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 04-07-05/14-09-05)(also in family
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp,
28-09-05/31-10-06)(also in family affairs)
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-05-06/15-11-06)(also
in family affairs)
petra letang - noami julien
x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, + written evolp to linda, 08-11-05/09-12-05)(also
in family affairs)
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, + written evolp to chris,
23-11-05/14-01-06)(also in family affairs)
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, 13-05-06/23-12-06)
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 18-04-07/28-04-07)
petra letang - noami
julien x (pink top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to
april, black pen, 19-09-06/19-05-07)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, cast 6x4 pic only, 10-01-07/30-01-07)(26-06-06/10-03-07)(15-05-07/19-05-07)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 11-11-06/21-12-06)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 06-12-06/22-12-06)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen, 18-11-06/23-12-06)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 07-07-07/14-07-07)(07-08-07/21-08-07)(22-08-07/29-08-07)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-06-07/03-11-07)(23-06-07/05-11-07)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/03-11-07)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/06-11-07)
babita pohoomull - preeti
choraria x (white top, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/05-11-07)
elaine tan - li chong x
(black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 28-02-007/02-03-07)(+ written evolp, 28-02-07/17-03-07)
elaine tan - li chong x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, written & signed on front & written on
back, 04-12-06/01-03-07)
elaine tan - li chong x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 11-11-06/10-03-07)(18-11-06/10-03-07)
elaine tan - li chong x
(black jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 25-05-07/09-06-07)(18-04-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)(14-06-07/27-06-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08)
elaine tan - li chong x
(black jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-06-07/04-09-07)
nitin ganatra - masood ahmed
(brown jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 02-12-07/17-12-07)(11-12-07/22-12-07)()11-12-07/24-12-07)(23-12-07/24-12-07)(02-01-08/11-01-08.
nitin ganatra - masood ahmed
(brown jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 09-08-07/22-12-07)(06-10-07/11-01-08. x2)(30-05-08/06-06-08)(22-01-08/11-06-08)(01-02-08/09-07-08)('best
wishes', 24-06-08/27-08-08)(24-06-08-08/27-08-08)
nina wadia - zainab masood (orange &
brown dress, cast 6x4 pic only, 21-09-07/28-09-07)(26-09-07/02-10-07)(02-10-07/04-10-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(also
in goodness gracious me)
nina wadia - zainab masood (orange
& brown dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, 14-06-07/14-12-07)(23-06-07/18-12-07)(23-06-07/24-12-07)(also in goodness
gracious me)
nina wadia - zainab masood (orange
& brown dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 06-10-07/15-12-07)(05-09-07/15-10-07)(05-09-07/15-12-07)(also in goodness
gracious me)
nina wadia - zainab masood (orange
& brown dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 26-09-07/14-12-07)(also in goodness gracious me)
nina wadia - zainab masood (bl&w
top, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-11-08/13-12-08)(20-08-08/18-12-08)(10-09-08/19-12-08)(also in goodness gracious me)
nina wadia - zainab masood (bl&w
top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 08-10-08/29-10-08)(also in goodness gracious me)
nina wadia - zainab masood (blue shirt,
cast 6x4 pic only, 05-04-09/11-09-09)(also in goodness gracious
zahra ahmadi - shabnam masood x
(pink & green cardigan, cast 6x4 pic only, 24-09-07/28-09-07)(06-10-07/16-10-07)(05-10-07/20-10-07)(24-05-07/03-11-07)(02-10-07/03-11-07)(12-11-07/16-11-07)
zahra ahmadi - shabnam masood
x (pink & green cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 05-09-07/09-03-09)(06-10-07/09-03-09)
zahra ahmadi - shabnam masood
x (pink & green cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris,
black pen, 05-09-07/09-03-09)
zahra ahmadi - shabnam masood
x (pink & green cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris,
black pen, 06-10-07/09-03-09)
himesh patel - tamwar masood (grey coat,
cast 6x4 pic only, 02-01-08/11-01-08. x2)(26-01-08/02-02-08)(05-03-08/11-03-08)(29-01-08/19-03-08)
himesh patel - tamwar masood
(grey coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & wrote on back, black pen, 22-01-08/04-04-08)
himesh patel - tamwar masood
(grey coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & wrote & signed on back, personalized to april, black pen, 01-11-07/04-04-08)
himesh patel - tamwar masood
(grey coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue felt, 01-02-08/04-04-08)
himesh patel - tamwar masood
(grey coat, hand cast 6x4 pic, signed on front & wrote & signed on back, personalized to jo, black pen, 24-06-08/27-08-08)
marc elliott elliott - syed masood (grey
jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 08-07-09/23-07-09)(06-06-09/24-07-09)(29-05-09/24-07-09)
marc elliott elliott - syed masood
(grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09)
marc elliott elliott - syed masood
(grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09)
preeya kalidas - amira
shah (pink scarf, cast 6x4 pic only, 08-07-09/23-07-09)
preeya kalidas - amira
shah (pink scarf, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09. x2)
adam croasdell - dr al jenkins (blue shirt, cast 6x4 pic only,
adam croasdell - dr al jenkins (blue shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-07-09/23-07-09.
louise jameson - rosa di marco x
(curly hair, 6.5x4 pic, black felt, personalized to april,16-04-03/20-05-04)(also in dr who)
louise jameson - rosa di marco x
(wooly jacket, 6x4 pic, black felt, personalized to april, 27-04-04/12-05-04)(also
in dr who)
louise jameson - rosa di marco x (cream
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, personalized to april, 09-06-04/06-01-05)(also
in dr who)
louise jameson - rosa di marco x (black
jumper, 7x5 pic, black felt, 2007/16-06-07)(also in dr who)
laila birch - teresa di marco x
(jean jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to james, black pen, + written evolp to april, 25-04-03/17-07-03)
carly hilman - nikki di marco x (blue
dress, 8x6 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 21-03-03/28-04-03)
michael greco - beppa di marco x
(black leather jacket, 6x4 pic, blue pen, 2003)
michael greco - beppa di marco x
(black leather jacket, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 06-05-05/11-05-05)
claire wilkie - sandra di marco x (black
top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 16-04-03/01-05-03)
leon lissek - bruno di marco x (hat
& jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, 03-07-03/12-07-03)
jake di valentine - joe
di marco x (green shirt, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p
on 18-11-05)
ivan kaye - dr jonathan
leroy x (b&w 4x3 pic, silver pen,
03-09-03/15-11-03)(also in the green green grass)
ivan kaye - dr jonathan leroy x (b&w
4x3 pic, blue pen, 21-08-04/21-04-05)(also in the green green grass)
ivan kaye - dr
jonathan leroy x (b&w 6x4 pic, blue felt, + written evolp to
linda, 08-11-05/09-12-05)(also in the green green grass)
ivan kaye - dr
jonathan leroy x (b&w 6.5x4.5 pic, blue felt, + written evolp
to chris, 23-11-05/14-01-06)(also in the green green grass)
tom ellis - dr.
oliver cousins x (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 27-02-06/03-03-06)(10-02-06/08-03-06)(20-03-06/24-03-06)(20-03-06/08-04-06)
tom ellis - dr.
oliver cousins x (black jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-01-06/17-05-06)(05-05-06/19-05-06 & kept card)
tom ellis - dr.
oliver cousins x (black jacket, hand
cast 6x4 pic, "lots of love", black pen, 28-03-06/15-07-06)
amanda drew - dr. may
wright x (black cardigan, cast 6x4 pic only,
amanda drew - dr. may
wright x (black cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic,
black pen, staple hole, 2007/15-02-07)
amanda drew - dr. may
wright x (black cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 18-11-06/101-03-07)(14-06-07/23-07-07)(14-06-07/23-07-07)
amanda drew - dr. may wright
x (black cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen,
amanda drew - dr. may
wright x (black cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to april, black pen, 14-06-07/23-07-07)
amanda drew - dr. may wright x (black cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, wrote on back about kept pic, 23-6-07/08-08-07)(kept photo i sent of her and kara together)
amanda drew - dr. may
wright x (black cardigan, hand cast 6x4 pic,
personalized to linda, black pen, 23-06-07/09-08-07)
stuart laing - rob minter x (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 08-05-06/24-08-06)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black
pen, + written evolp, 25-01-06/19-12-06)
stuart laing - rob minter
x (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, black pen, 08-05-06/26-08-06)(19-09-06/18-11-06)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (written & signed 8x5 letter, personalized to chris, black
pen, 08-05-06/26-08-06)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (black shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen,
+ written evolp, 19-09-06/18-11-06)
stuart laing - rob minter x (jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, 10-01-07/12-01-07)(26-06-06/10-03-07)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, written & signed on front & written &
signed on back, hand cast 6x4 photo, black pen, personalized to april, + written evolp, 11-11-06/25-11-06)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, black pen, 16-06-06/08-11-06)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen,
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to aj, black pen,
+ written evolp to christine, 18-11-06/23-12-06)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, cast 6x4 no w on pic only, 25-05-07/09-06-07)(14-06-07/19-06-07)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, black pen, 14-05-07/22-06-07)(14-06-07/05-09-07)(23-06-07/12-09-07)(+
written evolp to linda, 23-06-07/12-09-07)
stuart laing - rob
minter x (jacket, hand cast 6x4 no w on pic, personalized to april,
black pen, + written evolp, 14-06-07/05-09-07)
ashvin luximon - asif malik x (white jumper, cast 6x4 pic only, 2003/11-10-03)
ashvin luximon - asif
malik x (school uniform, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)
syan blake - frakie
pierre x (coloured top, hand
cast 6x4 pic, blue felt, 2003)
syan blake - frakie pierre x
(coloured top, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to chris, blue pen, + written evolp, 12-04-05/09-05-05)
syan blake - frakie
pierre x (coloured top, hand
cast 6x4 pic, written & signed on back, personalized to jo, blue pen, + written evolp, 16-11-05/15-07-06)
syan blake - frakie pierre x (black
blouse, b&w 8x6 pic, personalized to april, red felt, 2003)
syan blake - frakie pierre x (black
blouse, b&w 8x6 pic, personalized to april, green felt, "all the best", 2003)
paul bradley - nigel bates x (blue
jacket, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, green felt, 23-03-03/07-04-03)(also
in holby city)
paul bradley - nigel bates x (blue
jacket, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, gold pen, 09-08-05/25-08-05)(also in holby city)
gemma bissix - clare bates x (green
dress, cast 6x4 pic only, 05-03-08/11-03-08)(12-03-08/14-03-08)(29-01-08/19-03-08)(28-03-08/01-04-08)(2008/02-04-08)(29-01-08/30-04-08)(23-05-08/05-06-08)(23-06-08/12-07-08)(also
in hollyoaks)
lumsden - arnold x (black jacket, b&w 6x4 pic, written
& signed on front & written on back, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 23-08-06/30-08-06)
richard lumsden - arnold x (written
& signed a4 letter, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 18-01-08/08-02-08)
richard lumsden - arnold x (black
shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 30-05-08/25-06-08)
lee whitlock - rob hedges x (shirt,
b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to steve, black pen, bought for £1.60 with signed quiz sheet, 2003)
steve nicolson - gavin sharp x (black
top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black pen, only on back, 25-10-03/19-12-03)
shirley cheriton - debbie wilkies x
(hand written & signed 8x6 letter, green pen, personalized to april,03-10-03/19-11-03)
paul medford - kelvin carpenter x (top,
b&w 5x3 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + complimemt slip, 30-06-03/09-07-03)
diana couplan - maureen carter x (top,
b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 19-06-03/02-10-03)
debrah sherridan-taylor - sasha duncan x (b&w
7x5 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 28-08-03/13-11-03)
shephen churlettes - marcus christie x
(b&w 7x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 27-08-03/16-09-03)
michael cashman - colin russell x
(standing by flags, 8x6 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 26-04-03/08-05-03)
sean gleeson - connor flaherty x (green jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, signed on back, 2003)(also in doctors)
moore - shirley benson x (white shirt, hand
cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, + written evolp, 26-07-03/23-10-03)
robyn moore - shirley benson x
(white shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 27-08-03/25-10-03)
robyn moore - shirley benson x
(white shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 31-01-04/19-02-04)
robyn moore - shirley benson x (white
shirt, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to linda, black felt, 25-10-03/14-11-03)
paul moriaty - george palmer x
(black jacket, hand cast a5 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 04-01-04/13-02-04)
paul moriaty - george
palmer x (black jacket, computer printed 6x4 hand cast pic,
personalized to april, black pen, 23-08-06/06-09-06)
roberta taylor - irene raymond x
(black blouse, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, in-person on 03-12-05)(got the cast photo in 2003 & got it signed on 03-12-05)(also in the bill)
gavin richards - terry
raymond x (black jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)
harry landis - felix kawaski x (blue
jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 13-06-04/21-06-04)
elizabeth kelly - nellis ellis x
(grey jacket, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 09-06-04/25-06-04)
elizabeth kelly - nellis ellis x (elizabeth
kelly headed written & signed 6x4 index card, personalized to april, black pen, 09-06-04/23-06-04)
jamila massey - neelam kapor x
(red dress, hand cast 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 19-11-04/25-11-04)
jane slaughter - tracey (black
top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, silver felt, 06-09-03/17-01-04)
slaughter - tracey (white top behind bar 6.5x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 13-06-04/21-12-04)
daren elliott holmes - eddie x (b&w 3x2 pic, signed on back only, personalized to julie, blue pen, + written evop, +a 2003-04 group 8x6
photo with printed autographs on back, 03-12-04/18-12-04)
daren elliott holmes - eddie x (eastenders
headed hand written & signed compliment slip, personalized to julie, black
pen, 03-12-04/18-12-04)
daren elliott holmes - eddie x (jacket, b&w a4 pic, "love", black pen, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
daren elliott holmes - eddie x (jacket,
b&w a4 pic, personalized to christine, black pen, + written evolp, 28-02-05/02-04-05)
daren elliott holmes - eddie x (jacket,
b&w a4 pic, personalized to jo, black pen, + written evolp, 14-04-05/25-04-05)
melvyn hayes - mr rawlins x
(b&w 6x4 pic, personalized love to april, "2005 xx", black felt, 11-02-05/02-03-05)
melvyn hayes - mr rawlins x
(b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to jo, 14-04-05/26-04-05)
shaun dooley - rev tom stuart x (b&w
5x3 pic, black felt, 28-02-05/23-04-05)
shaun dooley - rev tom stuart x (written
& signed 6x5 index card, black felt, 28-02-05/23-04-05)
brian croucher - ted hills x ("alddin"
7x5 flyer, gold felt, 11-07-05/28-07-05)
brian croucher - ted hills x
(5x4 white paper, signed only, red pen, 11-07-05/28-07-05)
brian croucher - ted hills x
(my 7x5 letter back written & signed on it, personalized to april, red pen, 11-07-05/28-07-05)
sarah preston - amanda x (b&w
a4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 2003/06-09-03)
preston - amanda x (black top, written & signed b&w 5x4
pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 10-08-05/30-08-05)
elliott jordan - gavin x (b&w a4 pic,
personalized to april, black felt, + written evolp, 10-08-05/02-09-05)
jamie cho - aikido
instructor x (top, b&w 7x4 pic,
personalized to april, blue pen, 10-08-05/23-09-05)
jamie cho - aikido
instructor x (written & signed a4 letter, personalized
to april, black pen, + written evolp, 10-08-05/23-09-05)
slyvester williams -
mick mcfarlane x (brown jacket, cast
6x4 pic only, bought for 40p on 18-11-05)
joan hooley - josie
mcfarlane x (yellow jacket, hand cast
6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 02-12-05/12-12-05)
jane how - jan hammond x (black top, 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen,
susan george - margareth
walker x (black top, hand cast 6x4 pic, black felt, + typed &
hand signed letter by pa, 07-01-06/26-08-06)
douglas fielding -
det sal quick x (b&w 5x3 pic, personalized
to april, blue pen, 04-01-06/25-01-06)
matt steer - matt
lindsay x (b&w 6x4 pic, personalized
to april, gold felt, 12-01-06/27-01-06)
matt steer - matt
lindsay x (written & signed
4x4 letter, personalized to april, blue pen, 12-01-06/27-01-06)
tommy eytle - jules
tavernier x (died)(brown jacket, cast 6x4 pic only, bought for
£2.14 on 22-01-06)
gary hailes - barry
clarke x (top, b&w 8x6 pic, personalized to april, black pen,
gary hailes -
barry clarke x (written & signed 4x4 note, personalized
to april, blue pen, 04-01-06/01-02-06)
mary conlon - eiblin
o`donnell x (b&w a4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 07-02-06/24-02-06)
mary conlon -
eiblin o`donnell x (written &
signed a4 letter, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 07-02-06/24-02-06)
dilys laye - maxine
palmer x (b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 23-01-06/25-02-06)
dilys laye - maxine
palmer x (written & signed
8x6 letter, personalized to april, blue pen, 23-01-06/25-02-06)
marc bolton - andrew clarke x (sitting forward, b&w a4 pic, black felt, 09-06-03/21-06-03)
bolton - andrew clarke x (top, b&w a4 pic, black
felt, 09-06-03/21-06-03)
bolton - andrew clarke x (written & signed 7x5
letter, personalized to april, black
pen, 09-06-03/21-06-03)
imogen dobbs -
s.o.c.o. scenes of crime officer x (curly hair, b&w 7x5 pic, black
pen, written & signed on back, + 8x6 "claw" flyer only, 2003/19-03-03)
carl mccrystal
- pc brice x (top, b&w a4 pic, personalized to april, silver felt, + written evolp,
catherine bailey - pc blake x (top, b&w 6x4 pic, silver pen, 09-07-07/19-07-07)
kate rascoe - d.c field (top, b&w 8x6 pic,
blue pen, 20-09-07/29-09-07)
david gillspie - duncan
boyd x (shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, black
pen, 03-02-04/16-08-04)
ruby turner - anita goodall x (top,
b&w 7x5 pic, personalized to april, black pen, + written evolp, 15-02-05/01-04-05)
matthew cottle - duncan x (shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, blue pen, 2003)
matthew cottle - duncan x (top, b&w a4 pic, personalized to april, black pen, 05-01-06/02-02-06)
niall greig fulton - stuart x (shirt, 6x4 pic, black felt, 01-10-06/02-03-07)
niall greig fulton - stuart x (typed & hand signed a4 letter, personalized to april, black pen, +
written on evolp, 01-10-06/02-03-07)
amy noble - lydia x (top, computer printed 6x4 pic, personalized to
april, black pen, 28-02-07/25-04-07)
amy noble - lydia x (written & signed yelllow stick-it-note,
black pen, 28-02-07/25-04-07)
alan mckenna - tony andrews x
(top, b&w written & signed 7x5 pic, personalized to april, blue
pen, + written evolp, 09-07-07/03-08-07)
alan mckenna - tony andrews x
(top, b&w 6.5x4 pic, personalized to april, blue felt, 18-08-09/01-09-09)
charlotte palmer - cheryl andrew x
(top, b&w 6x4 pic, black pen, 09-08-07/17-09-07)
jeff stevenson - delivery man 2007 x (shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, written & signed on front
& written & signed on back, personalized to april, blue pen, 30-08-07/01-10-07)
julianne white - fiona x
(top, b&w 6x4 pic, blue pen, 29-12-07/24-01-08)
martha ross - extra x (top, 6x4 pic, blue pen, 28-09-05/22-11-05)
russell floyd - michael rose x
(suit, standing in market, 6x4 pic, bought for £1.70 on 17-09-04, but its a
copy of a hand one)(also in the bill)
phillip langhorne - dave x (top, b&w a4 pic, black felt, + written evolp, 29-12-07/14-07-08)
chook sibtan - jack robbins x (top, 6x4 pic, written & signed on front & back, personalized to april, black pen, 16-07-08/26-07-08)
tony way - nick x (shirt, b&w 6x4 pic, black felt, + wrote on evolp, 14-09-08/22-09-08)
sheryl gannaway - galynis x (top, b&w 6x4 pic, written & signed on front & back, personalized to april, black pen, 30-05-08/24-12-08)
will chitty - eddie x (2 pics on 1 6x4 postcard, personalized to april, blue felt, 10-02-09/03-03-09)
daisy beaumont - selina x (top, b&w 6x4 pic, black pen, 12-03-08/13-03-09)
ashley kumar - todd taylor x (white top, b&w 6x4 pic, personalized to april, black felt, 10-02-09/14-03-09)(kept card)
copyright © 2004-2009 fun autographs. all rights reserved.